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Evelyn                                                                                               Your alarm goes off and you lift your head up and slam your alarm down on the table. You go back to sleep and you hear Riley yelling from down stairs, you cover your head with a pillow as Riley walks into your room.                                                                                "Your alarm went off already and mom is starting to get mad, you need to get ready! We're leaving to go to Hogwarts today!!! Aren't you happy?!" Riley says.                                                                                            "Bloody hell shut up will you ?! I'm trying to sleep and I don't give a damn about Hogwarts" you say shoving your head back into your pillow. Riley walks over and start smacking you in the head with a pillow. You finally get up and shove her out your room, and head to your shower. Soon you head downstairs and your bags are already packed, you head to the car and your mom takes you to the train station, you get out the car with your bags. "Now have fun guys! We will see you soon, Riley make sure  your sister behaves, and have fun. Now Evelyn I expect you to do your best and stay out of trouble, don't be rude or disrespectful. Riley please watch her" your mom says.                                                               You look over at Riley and roll your eyes " little shit" you say under your breath. You hug your mom goodbye, you grab your bag and you and Riley make your way onto the train.                                                       ____                                                                                          You and Riley enter the train and look around. You take your seat and Riley takes the one infront of you, you roll your eyes and look out the window and Riley starts talking " this place is disgusting, these seats are disgusting WHY do we have to go here". Riley says, "do u ever stop complaining? Seriously stop talking your drawing attention to yourself" you says tapping on the table. "Ok Evelyn drop the attitude, nobody her is going to like you" Riley says laughing, "Riley let's not forget who slept with her ex while she had a boyfriend" you says smirking.
Riley stays silent and you sit there wondering what Hogwarts is like, what the boys are like there wait-  no why am I already talking about boys? No ew stop it, Riley looks over at you as your face looks confused. "Have you seen any cute boys?" Riley asks playing with her hair, "Eh a few but I'm not interested in anyone right now AND Riley it's our first bloody day here" you say shaking your head, "well I saw a really cute one! I might wanna try him out get the feel and everything" Riley says winking.
You look around and make direct eye contact with a tall  blonde boy, who for some reason is wearing a suit (Draco) you blush and quickly turn around and look out the window " please tell me know one saw that" you say under your breath.

Heyyy guys I'm so happy you found my story this is gonna be a wild one with a lot of romance;) see ya in the next chapter
Byeee babes xxxx

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