A visitor

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They were tired, and had had more than enough action for the day, so they decided to return to the outpost with their rescuer.

Anlimoth kept glancing at her furtively, and tried his best to speak without stuttering when Goldmi asked. At the same time, Jarlia was closer to Glidran than usual. She had been on the verge of losing him, so she needed to feel his warm. It made him feel somewhat embarrassed, but far from uncomfortable. Perhaps, even the opposite.

The five of them were looking uneasily around, as they feared another ambush, so she used Life Detection.

"There's nothing nearby," Goldmi reported.

"We can't be sure. Generals are undetectable, and they can call in reinforcements." Omny contradicted her, and got up to start the march.

"Generals?" she asked him.

"They're forest spirits that've been corrupted. They command the losts, the corrupted beasts," Anlimtha clarified.

"Ah! I don't think you have to worry, it's dead. If there was only one," Goldmi assured.

The others looked at her in disbelief. It was true that she had saved them, and had showed a lot of skills, but what she was claiming was impossible, it was beyond common sense. It was known that only fairies could see and fight them directly.

"I think you're confused. No one can see them, just like no one can see forest spirits. So damaging them is almost impossible." Glidran contradicted her.

"Eeeh!? But I can see the forest spirits. Pikgro is my friend," she felt surprised, while slightly tilting her neck to the side, and putting a finger on her lips, thoughtful.

"Pikgro?" Jarlia asked.

"He's a forest spirit. I left him a while ago. He must be waiting in the jungle."

They looked at her without deciding whether to believe her or not. It was too extraordinary to be true. But they didn't want to doubt who had saved them, along with her feline companion.

"This... How can you do so many things? You can heal, detect, shoot arrows from far away, and even magic. And your level isn't that high. How many skills do you have?" Anlimtha asked, really curious. She was also breaking the awkward silence and changing the subject.

"Mmmm. I must have about thirty skills and another thirty spells, more or less," the elf answered.

""""What!?"""" they all exclaimed at once.

"Eeeh... Are they too few?" Goldmi felt somewhat awkward.

"How can they be few!! It's impossible!! How can you have so many!? What're you!?" Jarlia raised her voice, totally beside herself, while the rest of them gaped at her.

Their eyes were fixed on their savior, not quite sure what to believe. They were even wondering if she was mocking at them. However, there wasn't the slightest hint of mockery on her face, just confusion.

"Eeeh... I'm an elf... right? Well, and the Oracle said that, to you, I'm a visitor," she explained.

Those words surprised the group even more, but they also explained many things. Visitors were beyond common sense.

"Is something wrong?" Goldmi asked, surprised by the gaze of the group.

"Are you really a visitor? And have you talked to an Oracle?" asked Omny.

"Yes... Is it so weird?"

"Well, I don't know. I've never seen any, "Jarlia acknowledged, while staring at her.

"The truth is that you only look like a normal elf. And quite attractive, isn't she, Limoth?" the archer provoked her brother.

He was unable to answer, looked away to hide his embarrassment, and cursed his sister inside. Meanwhile, the others tried not to laugh, since they too had noticed the attitude of their companion. All but Goldmi, who was slightly blushed at the praise, and was oblivious to his feelings. And the lynx, who simply ignored that kind of interaction.

They returned to the camp, and decided not to speak about their rescuer's identity, except to the higher ups. They didn't know if it was wise to tell who she was, but someone capable of taking down generals, as she claimed, was too important to be kept completely secret.

They were also surprised at the short time since she first came to their world, and yet reached level 30 already. Even more so when she said that she would unlock other skills after leveling up. Without a doubt, Goldmi wasn't aware that it was against any common sense in that world. At least, they were somewhat relieved when she explained that she was rather recovering her power, instead of obtaining it out of nowhere. Somewhat relieved, but not much.

However, a being capable of having more than a hundred spells and skills was still hard to believe. Although they stopped worrying as soon as she offered them some snacks that they found delicious. And it was quite funny to see how the huge feline was also eating them from the elf's hand, with evident gluttony. While they didn't quite understand where she was getting the food from, they preferred not to ask. They felt psychologically exhausted.

But it was when they crossed the river that they finally accepted that what her savior had told them was true. They saw her open her arms and receive an extremely blurred and transparent figure, which they would have been unable to distinguish if it weren't for her welcoming gesture.

They knew perfectly what it was, a forest spirit, the same one that the visitor had assured that must be waiting for her. And while it seemed impossible, reality was before their eyes. A little fuzzy, but there he was.

That was enough to clear their doubts. That of her identity as a visitor. That she was able to see spirits. They didn't even doubt that she could kill generals. And, undeniably, that was the most important thing. It could be a turning point in this war against what was threatening their home.

They even perceived that the bond between the elf and the feline was much closer than they had believed. They saw that, without looking at her, and while busy with the affectionate spirit, she took another snack out of nowhere for her sister just when she had finished with the previous one. While it wasn't exceptional, there weren't so many who could have such a bond with other beings.

This was certainly a relief, for it showed that the visitor's heart was as kind and warm as it appeared. If not, such a close bond wouldn't have been possible.

And that made Anlimoth look at her even more intensely. He was totally captivated by the elf's beauty and skills.

They were soon walking again, while Pikshbxgro was hovering around and looking curiously at the five young adventurers, even touching them, to their surprise. It was a strange feeling, very vague, but not at all unpleasant. It could be said that it was similar to a breeze caressing one's face, and carrying the forest's scent.

Soon, the walled camp was in sight, the outpost from which the group had left some hours earlier.

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