Breaking Sam Out

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"And that's how we'll get Sam out and he'll make a run for it to that window where the tree is at." Atem told some people his plan to rescue Sam. Abyo said annoyed, "I still can't believe you talked to me out of this." Bart reminded, "Was it you who were picking a fights with the guards before? And almost got your friends capture?" Ching said, "And you did say you wanted a rematch. Well, here it is." "Now, go out there and start picking some fights." Tristan said pushed Abyo to the guards.

Abyo groaned before walked up to the guards. "Hey! Hey, you bunch of losers! I bet you can't catch me while wearing an armor to slow you down! You bunches of slowmos!" Abyo taunted while making faces. The guards got very mad and started chasing him.

As soon Abyo started running with guards behind him, some of the town's people ran to the castle. One of the guards saw the team running in the castle and shouted, "Hey! They're about to get inside!" "Don't let them find the Prince!" The other guard shouted before he and the half of the guards chased after the others. Abyo saw the half of the guards were going after the people now and gasped.

Peter looked behind him and saw guards are chasing them now. Peter said, "We've got guards chasing us six o'clock!" Atem said, "Not the way I hope. Twilight, you, Starlight, and Pinkie Pie go and find Sam. We'll take care of them." Twilight said, "Right." Three ponies went ahead while the town's people ran the other way to get the guards to chase them.

Twilight, Pinkie, and Starlight opened each doors of rooms to find Sam. Pinkie said, "I don't see him. Where did Snerz put him?" Twilight said, "We'll find him." "I think I see something!" "It could be those three horses. Come on!"

Starlight looked around to find a place to hide. She then looked at the door that wasn't open. She whispered, "Quick, let's hide in here!" Three ponies ran inside the room and closed the door. They listened for the guards pasting by. Once they heard the guards are gone, they sighed in relief.

"Starlight? Pinkie? Twilight?" Three heads turned and looked up and found Sam's head through the hole in the wall. Pinkie said, "Sam, we found you!" Twilight said, "You let the others know, we'll get Sam out." Pinkie saluted. Sam said, "I'm so glad that you guys are here." Twilight said, "Listen, Sam, there's something I need to tell you while we're busting you out."

The team heard a party canon goes off from across the hall. Tea said, "That's the signal! Pinkie, Starlight, and Twilight must've found him!" Atem said, "Everyone, you go and help Sam escape!" Jasmine asked, "Wait, what about you?" He said, "I'll keep the guards busy. Listen, you all have to get Sam to that window where the tree is at." Jasmine thought that Atem couldn't do it and afraid that he'll get caught. But when she looked at his eyes, she can tell that she can trust him. "Alright. But be careful." "I will." Atem said softly.

Atem ran ahead while the rest ran to the room where Sam is at. While he gets the guards to chase him, Twilight and Starlight got Sam free from the wall and the chain.

Rainbow Dash said after the three of them got down, "Let's go now Atem got them distracted!" Everyone nodded and ran to the door. Sam looked at Cat who is still chained before stopped. The team stopped too when they noticed the Prince not following. Sakka asked, "Sam, why did you stop? We've gotta go!" Sam said, "I know. But I need to do something first."

He walked to Cat who frighten asked, "Wh-what are you doing? What do you want?" Sam started working up his magic. "No, wait! Don't kill me!" Sam shot his magic beam at the chain to get it break. He ran forward to catch up the others.

The team looked around in the hall to find the window where the tree is outside. Lois saw something and said, "There's the tallest tree! Sam, run to that window, hurry!" Sam ran to the window, but got blocked by the guard. Aang yelled, "Everyone, this way!"

The team ran down the other side of the hall with a guard chasing them. No matter which window that has the closest tree that they have to run towards, more guards keeps blocking it.

Zuko asked, "How are we gonna get Sam out? Those guards will keep getting in our way!" Sam noticed the other window down the hall. But there's nothing that he can safe land. He has no other choice.

Sam said, "I know which window." The team looked at the window and gasped. They know what he's planning to do. Joey said, "No way, Sam! There's nothing that'll cushion your fall!" Applejack said, "Not to mention, you can't even fly yet! You'll die!" Rarity said, "We'll find another way!" Sam said, "There's no time! If I don't make it to the ball, I'll die by the time Guy makes a vow to the wrong people!" He ran towards the window ignoring his friends calls.

Sam ran as fast as he could as he getting closer to the window. He spread his wings ready to take off. He jumped out the window and fall. "Sam!" The town's people yelled as they ran to the window and looked down to find his body.

Suddenly, they saw something flew up to the sky. It's Sam! He's flying! He flew out of the town as the whole crowd cheering. Tristan called, "Go Sam-I-Am! Fly! Fly like a bird!" Sam flapping his wings as fast as he can to hurry back to the Am-I kingdom. He just hopes that he is not too late.

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