What if II

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It was now the morning of the wedding and the majority of the guests had left besides the bird part and the family of the newlyweds. As usual Andy and Sullivan were the first to get up and get ready for brunch with the Ripley's.

Andy had gotten out of the shower and started to get ready just as Robert was heading to take his shower. She sat there for a moment admiring the ring that Robert had given her as she recalled the events that led up to their engagement.

Vic and Rippley had also woken up and the events that occurred last night finally settled in and everything felt real. Ripley sealed the deal some more by calling Vic Mrs.Ripley when they had first woken up and it was already becoming his favorite to say and her favorite thing to hear.

Maya and Carina woke up shortly after the rest of them did and decided to save time by taking a shower together. Once they got ready they headed towards the restaurant where they would be having brunch. While they were being led to their table they slowly saw everyone else coming into view including the rest of the families.

"So, How is it? Does it feel real yet?" Maya asked as she pulled out a seat for Carina before sitting down herself.

"To be honest , It didn't at first but it sure does now." Vic replied with a smile while looking into Lucas' eyes.

"Well here's to the married couple." Andy said, raising her glass for a quick toast.

Everyone took their turns to order the meal and talked through the entirety of the brunch. The table was filled with lists of laughter, smiles and stories being shared by the Parents. After a while they had finished their food and Vic and Lucas' families had left, leaving the three couples.

Maya suggested to the group that they should take a walk on the nearby beach and they all agreed and headed out of the restaurant. Maya and Carina led the way hand in hand, Vic and Ripley following behind also hand in hand and Andy and Sullivan were trailing behind everyone else.

All couples, all though walking together, held desperate conversations on their own, about their futures, the weddings and plans. Vic and Ripley managed to overtake Maya and Carina once they made it onto the beach.

Vic was grateful that Maya suggested this walk, she enjoyed the feeling of the sand between her toes since she had taken her shoes off.

She turned to look at her husband."So what's the next step in our future?" Vic asked as they continued to walk.

"Well, I was going to leave this until after our honeymoon but since you brought it up. What do you think about kids?" Ripley threw back at her feeling nervous while he waited for her answer.

"I love them. They just make everything feel....complete." She nodded her head and thought about his question once more. "Wait, Are you... asking me to have kids with you?" She said with a smile on her face.

"Yes-Yes I am...will u have kids with me?" He asked, feeling nervous again. He had always wanted kids but he wasn't sure if Vic felt the same until now.

"Of course." She smiled as she stopped to kiss him.

While the love birds were overjoyed with the conclusion that they came to Maya and Carina were stuck on the wedding.

"That was a beautiful wedding, wasn't it?" Maya asked as she glanced at Carina.

"It was, but you know what else was beautiful?" Carina said with a smirk looking at Maya.

" What?" Maya said with a laugh, if she knew Carina as well as she thought, she already knew her answer.

" You... in that dress." Carina said with a playful tone.

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