part three

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Yall are in the car and the party is one hour away so you ask Billie question about the party....

Y/N: do you mind if I ask questions about the party??

Billie: yes of course mamas..

Y/N: (giggle) ok who is hosting the party??

Billie: my friend zoe..

Y/N: o cool I know her a little more question are there going to be illegal substances (you start laughing)

Billie: I don't think so (then she starts laughing)

Y/N: ok but promise me not to leave my side please..

Billie: I won't I promise...but Damn you just made my heart melt..(you blush when she says that)

Y/N: well you make me feel safe.

Billie: and you did it again babygirl..(she made you blush again)

After 30 minutes yall get to the party
There's a lot of people and your kinda nervous but you remember what Billie told you as she held your hand tight

Billie: it's ok babygirl...

Y/N: ok..

You get in the house and Billie is holding onto your hand tight and then you see zoe..

Y/N: hey Billie I see zoe..

Billie: wear I don't see her??

Y/N: over there (you say pointing to the corner)

Billie sees her then yall go to zoe


Billie: HEYY ZOE!!!! It's been a while

Zoe: yea I know and who is this (she says looking at me)

Billie: this is y/n...

Y/N: hi I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself..

Zoe: no it's fine

Y/N: Billie do you wanna go get a drink??

Billie: yes but I'm not a heavy drinker so I'm not gonna get anything...

Y/N: ok I'm only gonna have a few..

It's been an hour since you got to the party and your drunk

Y/N: bil- Billie you wanna go dance??

Billie: yea!!! But slow down on the drinks

Y/N: I will and good thing cuz it wasn't a question (you laugh)

Billie: whatever you say..

Yall get on the dance floor and you start shaking your ass and Billie sees a girl looking at you and checking you out...

Billie: she's  MINE!!(she says to the girl)

The girl: fuck off dick I don't care if she is or not..

Billie starts to walk over to her until you pull on Billie's arm and say..

Y/N: it's ok just let it go away I'm ready to go are you??

Billie: yes let go baby..

Billie is in front of you but is holding your hand but you are almost outside and the girl walks up to you and says..

The girl: hey can I get your number love??

Y/N: no you may not..

The girl:  why not baby...

Y/N: first I don't have one (you lied)
And second don't call me your fucking baby!!

At this point you are yelling and Billie heard and turned around and was mad when she found out that the girl had been messing with me...


the girl rolled her eyes and tried to walk away but then Billie punched her in the lip and busted it then we left..

Y/N: Billie can I stay a your place tonight???

Billie: yes ofc you can..

You fell asleep in the car on the way home then when you got to Billie's house she carried you in the house and put you in the bed and cuddled you....

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