Chapter 1

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Hop's pov

I was headed towards Gloria and Victor's house. We lived next to each other so it wasn't a long walk. My Wooloo next to me cheerful as usual. "Baaaaahh" he said in a cheerful mood. I smiled at him.

I wanted to see what the Gloria and Victor were up to. I knocked on the door, "hello, anybody home!" I said in my normal cheery voice. The door opened to reveal their mother. "Hello Hop dear." "Hello ma'am!" I said to her.

"Ah! I wanted to know what siblings were doing." She smiled. "Well they wanted to catch some Pokemon for their Pokedexes." She said pointing to where they probably were headed. "Are they home right now?" She nodded, "do come in dear." I nodded and entered. "Hello champs!" I said to the duo, they won the title years ago. After their win I decided I wanted to be a professer of Pokemon. The years went by and they visited less, so I wanted to see what they were up to.

"Hey we were just about to head out! Wanna come with us mate?" Victor said, I blushed a little. I always had a small crush on Vic. "Of course! This might help with research." I said. "Great! Got the things Gloria?" "Yes I do Victor!" Gloria was a kind person, sometimes could be scary. She is currently in a relationship with Bede, our once rival. I still don't know what she sees in him?!

"Ready Hop?" I nodded, getting my head out of my memories and thoughts. "Race you towards the train?" "You're on!" Victor said in determination. We started running, U was always faster then him. "I won again!" He huffed, how cute! I blushed at this.

"You alright mate?" Victor asked me. "Yeah..." I said, "you sure? You've been blushing a lot lately." "I'm fine." I said with a smile.

We got on the train and we saw the twins. "Hello Sam Sam, Sammuel." "Oh hello!" They were non-human and they came from the Kanto region. Then I turned to see Sam, the sister that was actually human. She was playing with her Mimikyu. "Mimikyu, here have this berry, it will make you feel better!" Mimikyu looked sick, more than usual. She started taking care of Mimikyu after she found it in bad shape. "Hello Hop, hello Victor and Gloria." It's like she knew we were staring at her. "Hello Samantha." She made a quick smile and turned back to her Pokemon, who was eating the berry. She hugged the Pokemon in happiness. "Oh you three can sit here." She said pointing next to her and the seat infront.

We sat down and turned on our Rotom phones while Sam read about the Kalos region. She liked to read about the regions. "Hey Sam, what's your favorite Kanto Pokemon?" "Um, Bulbasaur, and Eevee." "Why?" "Just asking, we were researching the Pokemon there. There's a legendary Pokemon called Mew, right?" "Mhm, here I'll show you." She called out the Pokemon. "Mew?" "Morning Mew, how are you?" We stared in awe.

"You haven't seen the last, here I have another special Pokemon." She called out another Pokemon. "Morning Mewtwo, would you like to meet my friends?" "Mmm." It said nodding. It stared at us in a annoyed looking face. "They won't harm you. Remeber what we talked about being hostle to people?" He squinted his eyes. "H-hello Mewtwo." I said afraid but very intrested in this Pokemon. (I'm using something from the show.) "Hm, you seem very kind, not that dangerous. Not a part of Team Rocket are you? Trust worthy, and very....whats the word, troubled?" Our eyes went wide, Sam stared at Mewtwo. "What an observation, that's a new record." She said writing down something in her notebook. "How, how did it do that?!" I asked very scared. "Telepathy, it's what it uses to talk to us, he wasn't plesent when I met him though. He would say cruel things until I started opening up to him and saying he could leave if he didn't want to stay with me. He chose to stay, I know he just gave me pity. But he's kind when you get to know him."

"Oh, also what it Team Rocket?" She went wide eyed. She closed her eyes. "Um they were a........well a organization that stole peoples Pokemon and did bad things to get what they wanted." "Me and some friends stopped them, but I was always afraid of when they might strike again, but they never did, well they couldn't because I defeated Giovanni." She opened her eyes again.

I looked at Victor, then at Gloria, and then at the duo. She was petting Mewtwo, then Mew.

The train had stooped. Sam got up and put everyone back in their pokeballs. She kept Mimikyu out. "See you guys at Wedgehurst!" She said with a wave. She lived in the same place as us so we saw each other often. Sam Sam and Sammuel also got up. The waved at us. The got off and walked to the center of Motostoke. Those three were really something. "But why did we stop at Motostoke? Shouldn't we have gone to the Wild area?" Gloria asked, then I realized. We missed our stop. "I think we missed our stop." Oh man this is bad.

*Also I know that there is no station in Motostoke, but tgis is my story and I can do what I want.*
Sam's pov

I walked to the center of Motostoke with my siblings. I was thinking, what did Mewtwo mean? He said Hop was....troubled. What did they mean? I know Hop liked Victor....but is that troubling him? Hop always wanted to tell Vic that he liked him. But I knew he wasn't ready.  I would ask him if he wanted, but he would shake his head. So I would tell him "okay" or "maybe next time." He needs to tell him or it will be too late. That could be trobuling him. "Hop, I have faith in you......tell him. Before you are too late." 

Victor's pov

"Hop, have you read about Mewtwo?" He shook his head. "No, I haven't." He was blushing, he was blushing more than usual. "Hop, mate are you okay?" "Um yes....yes I'm fine..." he's lying. "Hop you don't have to lie...just tell me." He waved his hands dismissively. "No, no, no I'm fine." The last time he said he was fine was after he had battled Bede, but this is different. Hop was lying to my face again.

I hated it when he lied, my heart would break. I have had a crush on Hop every since we started our adventure. Hop was so energetic, happy, and excited. He never let anything get him down. "Hey, Gloria." "Hm?" "I think we'll catch up later. Tell us where you are when you find a space." "Mhm, I'll save you some Pokemon!" I chuckled. We waved at her, then I turned to my friend.

"What did you want to talk about?" "Why are you lying to me?" He looked suprised. "I'm not, I promise!" He said waving his hands around. "I know when you lie, just tell me." He huffed, I think he gave up. "I-I-I just......I was wondering why you rarely visited us." Is that why? Mewtwo did say he was troubled, but why was he blushing so much. He doesn't like me, that's just weird. Two people liking each other? People will laugh. But did he? Would he laugh?

"You sure?" I asked. "Um....there's something else." "Do you want to talk about that too?" He shook his head, okay. "Well I rarely visited was because....I was so busy, people were asking me to battle them. Being champion is hard." "I brother was champion remember?" He said with a sad smile. I remember, Leon was always traveling to other places. I would always be with Hop and Gloria to get his mind out of being alone. I always felt like something was wrong with Hop, he would be sad then happy, I could see the lies in his eyes. Why did he hide his sadness with a fake smile? "......I guess that's true, I can't blame you two." "Hey...can I ask something?" He looked up. I blushed, I looked at Hop who was also blushing. "Um...yeah I do." I told him, should I confess here?"

Hop's pov

Victor looked like he was hiding something and wanted to just say it. I wonder what? "You okay mate?" I asked worried for him. He nodded, Victor is so cute when flustered. I wish I could tell him. Should I? Will he laugh?! Will he hate me?! Will he not want to be friends anymore? He could also have Gloria hate me too.

*I think I'm done, cliffhanger oooooooooooohhh. I suck at writing I know, but if you don't like this you could read my other books if they fit what you like. This is my first Pokemon fanfic, so don't hate me! That's all I have to say. But id you like it please vote so I know, it boosts my confidence in writing.* bye *waves* 😁

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