Chapter 2

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No ones pov

Hop and Victor had so many thoughts racing in their head. "Hop, I've been meaning to tell you.....for a long time." Victor said with a blush. "I've also been meaning to tell you something Victor." "Okay, we'll start on three, and say what we want to say." Hop nodded. "Ok, one, two......." they took deep breaths. "Three." After the three they said what they wanted to say "I like you!" They blushed a dark red. "I-I didn't think you'd also had feelings for me."

"M-me niether!" They looked at each other for a while then they leaned in. But then Gloria called Victor.

'Hey you two, I found a spot. It's (insert name.)' Victor nodded "okay Gloria, see you there." He said to his sister.

Hop sighed. "Well guess we should go, let's not keep her waiting!" he said. "Yeah." He said holding Hop's hand. Hop was blushing a lot. He was happy Victor had the same feelings for him.

"There you lot are!" Gloria said to them running at them. "Hello Gloria." Victor said still holding Hop's hand. Gloria saw this and had a smug face. "W-what?" Hop asked stuttering. "Oh nothing.." she said smiling at them.

Gloria was setting up camp as the two boys looked for a place to catch pokemon. "Inteleon!" Hop called out to let it out of its pokeball. "Inteleon!" The pokemon said to him. Victor chuckled "hi Inteleon." He said to him.

Gloria had finished setting up camp and went to where the other two went. "Hey you two!" She called out. "Hello Gloria, finished setting up camp?" Victor asked, she then nodded. They found some pokemon later. Hop caught a Flapple and Pikachu. The siblings caught the same pokemon (Snorlax, Sneezle *I hate that pokemon so much* and Glaceon.)

They let their pokemon get to know each other. Hop was making some curry with his Wooloo. Who Victor was helping with, giving him berries for the curry.

"Finished!" Hop shouted in excitement. "Get Gloria please." He asked Victor, Victor nodded.

He found Gloria reading a book. She was reading about the many species of pokemon. "Hey sis, Hop finished the curry." He said to her. "Coming!" She said. She walked over to Victor and Hop at the campsite.

They later enjoyed a good curry.

"So when are you two going on your fisrt date?" She asked them. They both blushed hard. "Wh-what do you mean, Gloria?" Hop asked the girl. "I saw you two holding hands, I'm not blind." She said to him in a tone sounding like he called her stupid.

"Um, we don't know...." Victor said looking down, trying not to show his blush. Gloria smiled "okay! Well you guys still have time! Just tell me if you need help!" She said winking. Hop and Victor blushed. "Gloria is great, she's kind." Hop said to Victor "yeah, when she's not being annoying." He said to Hop.

Hop stared at Victor with a blush. He leaned into a kiss. They kissed with Gloria watching. "You two are so cute! Let this be your first date and I'm the third wheel." She said with a smug face. Victor and Hop stopped the kiss and stared at her, who was standing there, arms crossed. "" Hop stuttered, he couldn't find words.

Gloria smiled at them. She walked to them and said "don't worry it doesn't bother me." She then turned to Hop "hurt my brother and no one will find your body." Gloria said to him, Hop flinched at this. "Your scary, you know that right?" Hop said, Gloria nodded.

She left Hop and Victor standing there in shock. They looked at each other "we should go, its getting late." Hop said to the other boy. Victor nodded, they grabbed their bags and followed Gloria back home.

Hey guys, sorry for not updating, I was busy with school and other books. But I'm stopping here, at least I'm getting a chapter out. Happy Thanksgiving! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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