Chapter 3 Battle

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Fields of Greece

1941, May

Having given himself first aid and effectively bandaged his wound, Leon waited in the forest hoping he'd run into someone. Luckily enough, a machine gun squad passed by.


The squad all snapped to attention and very nearly shot him to hell. One who he presumed to be the leader pulled him to his feet.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I needed cover after an engagement."

"An engagement, right...So where's the rest of your boys?"

"Scattered. I landed alone."

The man looked at his feet as he nodded slightly before looking up at the horizon.

"Shit...Alright you can come with us, we're headed to the harbour."

"Thank you."

The man nodded and turned to the others who had taken seats on the ground, their backs against rocks and tree stumps.

"Alright slackers up and at 'em."

As they began moving away Leon had slipped his backpack on and shouldered his rifle, checking the magazine to see the ammo left in it.


The 6 slammed into the wall. Leon adjusted his helmet before cocking his rifle. The squad leader looked back at them all.

"Remember the plan, stay as a group, stay quiet, in and out...Leon you're up first."

He walked along the line and took a knee next to the captain, using the pause to survey the surroundings. To his left were the rolling fields they had come from, to his right the white stone of the building edge. The squad had made their way to the edge of the town without being spotted. It was a likely death if any of them were noticed. The sun was beginning to fall below the horizon, turning the sky an array of colour.


Standing up Leon got ready to run like hell. The man raised his left arm. Leon eyed it. As it fell forwards Leon had gone before he said anything...He remembered where to go.

Straight across from the building and into the Post office, he turned his torso the right, and used his force to slam the door open. Once inside he crouched below the window and looked back at the captain, having watched him run the whole way he mouth his anger at Leon.

He crept his eyes over the window sill.


Three English soldiers held their rifles directly at him. He slowly raised his firearm.

"Don't do it Laddie, just drop the weapon."

Machine gun fire ripped through the three. Leon dropped to the ground. Swallowing before trying to keep his breath calm. He closed his eyes tightly.

"Ok, stay calm."

The machine gun fire stopped.

"Enemies on the outskirts!"

"Engage! Engage!"

Leon threw his gun over the window sill before resting the barrel on it. Moving left to right in an attempt to find someone. He looked to his right and saw the captain looking back at him wide eyed. In front of the man were two soldiers lying down, one holding up an ammo belt, the other aiming the weapon. He waved his hand vigorously in a 'come here' motion. The captain nodded. Leon looked back through his sights. Nothing still. He stood up and wiped his brow. The other five rushed into the room.

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