The beginning

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"Wow. This place is... Beautiful." I was in awe of the glory of the old house.
It was a gloomy day, but I see everyday as gloomy. The house was lined with beautifully bloomed flowers... Violets. I've never liked flowers... Because just the thought of a human being cutting a beautiful thing because of its beauty, made me sad. I would get flowers sometimes and have them sit in my room. Day after day, just seeing It or them slowly wilt and fade, slowly loosing all its beauty.
"Maria! Are you coming inside, it looks like it might rain. We need to get moving!" My mom and dad always wanted things done... Fast. We moved here for my dads new job. I would probably have this whole house to myself 24/7. They worked and worked coming home at usually 2 or 3 in the morning every 3 days. They would just come home and sleep till 6 or 7 AM and leave before I woke up usually leaving some cute note that read of promises they couldn't keep. I was starting my junior year in the fall and just hoped for the worst. I'm always hoping for the best just to be let down by my imagination.
Right now, as was carrying like four boxes my mother stacked in my arms walking carefully around the second floor looking for a suitable room. All the doors were closed except one. So I walked in and was surprised there was still stuff in it. I set the boxes down and looked around. I observed everything in the room, the bed, the shelves... The music. Many of my favorite bands were listed on the tapes. My foot rubbed agents something on the floor and I looked down. An MP3 player lye on the floor, screen glowing. I picked it up and put it on the MP3 speaker/stand I saw on one of the shelves. The music coming from it made the world quiet.
" Mis. Banks I need to tell you some things about this hous-" I could no longer hear the woman taking to my mother. I swayed to the music unpacking some of my things and replacing them with the stuff in the room. I was thinking of keeping most of it in here.
I could feel myself being watched but I didn't care. For once I was happy... -ish. I could just picture siting out side in the sun relaxing as I no longer felt lonely. Looking around in my little imagination I felt a hand in my shoulder as I sit in the sun.
"Here's your tea babe."
It was a strong warm hand. A boy...
"MARIA! Hello!!"
"Wh-what?" I was awakened to reality by my father.
"Who's stuff is this? Do want your furniture in here or that cheep old crap."
I was offended by his words and just nodded even though I was filled with disgust.
"It's the same size bed frame so just switch out the mattress and I'll put my bedding on it."
"Ok. It's your room now so whatever... Oh and keep the music down."
He gave the MP3 player a disgusted look and left. I hated my dad more and more as I grew older. I wasn't his perfect child. But there can't be a perfect child without perfect parents. They were much of the reason I was always felling alone.
But I wonder who the boy was in my daydream?

** Violets POV **

"Well... At least she likes my music."
It had been 3 years now. I avoid Tate as much as I can and everyone's getting lonely and getting incredibly bored of scaring people away constantly. I wanted a friend and if this Maria girl died here it would be fine with me. Her parents didn't seem to care about her much. I could tell by her body language that she was a lot like me... Alone and unwanted.
"We have to get them out of here." Vivian said.
"Her parent are just setting boxes in their bed room and leaving it. They won't be here much."
"Vi they can't stay."
"Just give it a chance." I wanted to get to know this girl, I wanted someone else to talk to, listen to music with. She could introduce me to new things and I do the same.
"Fine... Don't forget to Warn her of Tate."
I turned around and my mother was gone. I knew what I would have to do. But if Tate tries to kill her I will let him do it.
For the first time in a long time I could feel something. Hope maybe? I never had a best friend but I was open to hiving one... I needed someone... Someone like me.

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