Comic Con Day One

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Laying in a hotel room that wasn't mine I wait for my friends to be done getting ready so we can head down to the main hall and meet some of the fans. This was my first time at Comic con and I was excited be also nervous. 

Everyone on the cast basically have said it's a week of being drunk from morning until evening, now being the ony one who can't drink because I was still only 19 I didn't find this piece of information particully fun. I'd rather have stayed home with my dog eating pints of icecream and watching trashy rom-coms. But according to Julie I'm a 'main character' the story being based on my life and all so I kind of had to be here. 

Last night we arrived really later but that didn't stop the drinks flowing. I had a few but nothing to write home about and went to bed pretty early knowing I'd have to get up this morning. I'm not a morning person on the best of days never mind after not having enough sleep.

And because I got sleep last night unlike the others I was able to get up this morning and go to the gym before getting ready for the day. Without rushing unlike my friends who are running around their hotel room trying to pull themselves together. 

I wore an all white outfit with a bold red lip. My long hair was pulled back in a high pony that I had briaded. Partly because ot was so hot out and I wanted it out my way so I didn't have to mess with it all day. It was a very basic but it stood out enough for comic con pannels. Plus these jeans i was wearing were super comfy and I'd be in interviews pretty much all day so i needed somthing I could sit in. 

I carried my heels in my hand as we walked to the 'holding room'

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I carried my heels in my hand as we walked to the 'holding room'. The room we'd stay in between apparences to give us a break from all the fans, cameras and questions. I decided to wear my docs in the morning and towards the evening I'd change to my heels. No point in my feet hurting all day right? Right. 

"You look beautiful." Ian says arms wrapping around my waist. I dodged his kiss not wanting him to get red lipstick on his lips and I didn't fancy having to clean up any smudges. "Seriously?" "Unless you want red lipstick all over your mouth I suggest not." I warn him and he rolls his eyes. He settled for kissing my cheek. I had literally been with him this morning as we got ready together. Well him and Paul laid in their beds as I walked around their room looking for my things. 

Never let your boyfriend pack your bags. He put our stuff all together. So my shoes may be in my bag but my jeans and bags were in his room. It wasn't helpful so they had to deal with that this morning. "Do you want to go grab some food?" He asked and I agreed. Nina tagged along with his. She hooked her arm in mine as we walked through the halls, Ian walking close to me. We stopped to take a few photos with fans before we were ushered on by our team because we wasn't meant to stop. 

We grabbed some food and coffee before we headed back to the holding room. "I'm gonna go over to the girls." I tell Ian as he sits on the sofa next to Matt and Paul. "Okay baby." He said with a smile. "Love you." "Love you." I then went over to Hayley and Claire and they filled me in on everything that happened last night. Which was a lot apparently. Candice got drunk she danced on the bar. Matt did the splits and ripped his jeans and Zach and steven sang in the lobby before being escourted out. They're staying at a different hotel. 

Age Is But A NumberNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ