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There were times where you tried to tell yourself that you were not the type to worry over small things or try and stress about things that were out of your control. However, when he was nearly thirty minutes late to the small little dinner the two of you had decided to have together at your apartment and knowing the type of work he participated in... your stomach was not in pain from hunger. It was sick with worry and your mind was full of a million ideas and scenarios that might be keeping him away from you at the current moment. Hero work wasn't exactly a safe line of work after all... he could be stuck in a ditch for all you knew! Or be trapped under a building... or worse! Those ideas too graphic and horrid to even allow your thoughts to linger on without the sting of possible tears building up in your eyes. Even so, you were shocked at how you were still sitting at the dining table in your apartment, breathing out slowly and trying to focus on the food that was still on the table. The meal would for sure have to go back into the oven to warm up, but your mind was worried more about the person who was supposed to eat it with you rather then if he'd be surprised to see if the food was cold. "Todoroki Shouto..." You grumbled, trying to coat the worry with anger. "Just what have you gotten yourself into now?" He was always so good about being punctual, and when he knew he would not be able to arrive on time, he'd make sure to at least call or text you with what he imagined to be his new estimated time of arrival. So this was something out of his norm of attentiveness to your shared relationship. And while he knew you were not the clingy type, or someone who needed to know where he was 24/7, he did know that allowing you to know when he was coming over and if anything came along and delayed that arrival would calm you. His type of work was strange and demanding, and this relationship was supposed to be equal between you both. So if it meant you'd be welcoming and happy to see him, he had no issue sharing his plans of when he was going to see you. He had done this a few other times in the past, simply forgetting to tell you he was running ten or fifteen minutes behind simply because he didn't think he was that late. But as the minutes continued to tick by and nearing forty minutes... the situation only grew much harsher in your head. He was in danger, unconscious, and maybe in the back of an ambulance. The phone would be calling any second now, the voice on the other side of the line telling you how there had been an accident and you needed to come down to the local hospital right away. You'd see his family there, and have to share forced words with his father and try to calm down his sister. His brother would be focused on you and your well being and his mother would be holding you close to her, saying it would all be okay despite how she wouldn't know either. Oh God... Shouto's d- The front door jingled and echoed as a key was slowly undoing the lock on it. You nearly jumped from the sound, relief starting to flood through your body now. As Shouto was the only other person aside from yourself who had a key to your apartment. And now as the door creaked open you could see his form from where you sat. Your feet propelling you upwards as you saw him pause to look at you. "Sorry... I should have called." "Yes, you should have!" You said in a much harsher tone then you meant. "I-I was worried... but you're here at least and-" You paused and blinked when you saw something strange near your boyfriend. A few little sets of paws scampering around him and then following him as he took a step inside of the apartment. You didn't know what to think or even what to say at this, only how and why your life had come to take these types of situations in with less shock then you thought a normal person would have. But then again, dating a pro-hero and having to put up with the day to day shenanigans that were your life with him and his line of work seemed to have desensitized you when suddenly weird things happened. Such as a group of three kittens who were following him with every step he took like he was their leader. "Shou..." You sighed. "What happened?" He looked at you as one of the small felines collided into his leg softly and then shook itself back up. Its small body rubbing against his sweatpants in a very affectionate way. The male with the locks of red and white shrugged a bit, seeming to not really know himself. "I got off work and saw these cats in a box. I bought them some food and they started following me." He paused a moment, face lost in thought before he looked back at you. "I think I'm their mother now." You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips upon hearing those words, your hand moving to cover your laughing lips as your eyes closed in a quick and light manner. Todoroki watched you, seeing as his new cat family was quick to get used to the apartment around them. Two of the three crawling inside your shoes as the last one was happily swatting a shoelace from a pair of jogging shoes. "I guess you are... but do you have any idea on how to take care of cats?" You asked him, seeing as a light pink dusted his cheeks upon hearing the question. "Not really... I assumed you might." He admitted, turning a gaze to one of his 'children' that was now struggling to escape your slippers. He bent down and gently took the small fluffball into his hands. It happily purred as Todoroki pet the little cat, a smile coming onto his face. You couldn't help the smile on your face either and soon was by his side. "Hold her like this." You told him, helping to adjust the cat a bit more so it was more comfortable in his large hands. He did as told, watching as the kitten happily nudged her face between two of his fingers and meowed peacefully. Its little green eyes closing as its breathing became softer. He had no idea it had been so tired, but now as it slipped into a sleepy state, he knew that for all of these little fluffy creatures, it was a great and big day. "So what are you going to do with them?" You asked as you placed a blanket down and laid the other two sleepy cats down for a rest. "Keep them I guess..." He mumbled. "I don't know what else to do with them." "We could always see if anyone in our friend group is looking for a cat. I bet Uraraka would love one! Maybe Yaoyorozu as well." You pondered, knowing both girls loved cats and had always talked at group gatherings about getting one for themselves of the time ever came to be. "I want to keep this little one." Todoroki spoke suddenly, still caressing the little one in his arms. "She likes me." You smiled softly, getting up and growing closer to the male. A gentle kiss was placed on his cheek by your lips. He looked at you with a keen eye, wondering where that little act of affection came from and why he had received it so suddenly. He never minded your kisses, he loved them and you like no tomorrow after all... but he knew that kind of kiss from you meant he did something to make you add another reason you loved him to your infinite list of reasons. "I'm sure this little kitty would love to have you as her owner, she loves you so much already. But then again... everyone who's ever met you adores you, Shou." You whispered to him, helping him place the cat down by her siblings on the blanket. "You're too kind to me." He spoke to you, sighing gently as he followed you over to where the food that should have been eaten earlier sat. "And... I'm sorry for being late and not having called earlier." You shook your head, a permanent smile on your lips now and for the rest of the evening. "It's okay... my boyfriend is soft at his core, so I don't mind." "I'm soft?" He spoke in uncertainty. "Maybe I should work out more then..." You laughed again, shaking your head as your eyes met. "No no, Shou! It means you have a kind heart and couldn't be mean even if you tried." "Oh." He spoke, a sweet look crossing his face. "Well... you're gorgeous." You waved him off as a blush came to your face from his sudden compliment. His own mismatched eyes watching you with a hint of love and adoration as you put the now warmed up food down on the table and sat down yourself. "Oh hush and eat! Heroes and cat saviors need to relax too after all..." Todoroki chuckled softly, nodding along with your small demand of him. ANd as the two of you continued your mundane conversation about how your days went and what you both would do together tomorrow nothing felt off in the world. Especially now that you had three soft fluffy creatures sleeping softly in the next room.


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