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A week has passed and it was challenging yet worth-taking at the same time. To our relief, weekend is already here and Todoroki texted me that he wants the both of us to go on a date. Of course, I gladly accepted his request and replied to him with excitement that I will be more than happy to spend the weekend with him. Preparing for the date took a little bit of time but of course, my outfit is already planned which was the frilly blouse that I bought with Todoroki when we had our first date, knee high black shorts and white sneakers. I looked at myself in the mirror one more time and before I could grab my shoulder bag, I heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!!" I exited the room and went downstairs with excitement. I looked at the door hole and saw Todoroki outside with his casual clothes on. I gently opened the door and- "Shoto...!", I greeted him happily. Todoroki showed me a small smile before giving me a wave. "Hello, (Y/N)", Todoroki replied. He got closer to me just to give me a kiss on the lips before holding both of my hands to kiss them too. I giggled at his sweet gestures and my heart was thumping like crazy every time I feel his soft and warm lips. "You're wearing the "me" blouse that you bought from our first date", Todoroki commented, "You look so beautiful in it" I laughed when he said the "me" blouse and felt grateful from complimenting my outfit. "Thanks, haha", I replied to his comment and smiled happily. "Let's go, shall we?", he asked and gestured us to get going since he seems excited - even though his face is still straight which I find it funny.
- TIME SKIP (Brought you by Todoroki's ice sculpture collection) -
The date was fun and this time our location is a bit different this time. Todoroki took me to an amusement park for our second date and it was just located nearby. We rode on a roller coaster (His face was straight the whole time), played some games like scoop the fish (which we managed to get one), went to the haunted house, and for our last stop the ferris wheel. Since its also considered a common place for couples to go there for dates, we keep seeing some couples walking around and hold their partner's hand or maybe wrap their arms around their shoulder. The funny thing - and also a cute thing - that I've noticed from Todoroki during our date was that he observed the couples, who are around us, and tried to study what they do during dates and stuff since he's new to dating someone.
He would wrap his arm around my waist, shoulder and he would even try to hug me from behind which was quite surprising. Our day in the amusement park ended and to wrap it all up, Todoroki suggested that we should hang out at the park. We arrived at our destination which didn't take long and there wasn't much people staying except for a family of four - who are playing at the playground nearby. "Wow, not much people in here", I said and looked around, "It's like this park is reserved for us or something. Haha~".
He chuckled softly - which is rare - at my hilarious comment and quickly hugged me. "You're funny", he commented before kissing my cheek, "Come on, let's sit over there by the grassy hill. I think we can get a good look at the sunset". I agreed to his suggestion and eventually, both of us stopped by the grass patch and sat down at the same time. "Wow", I said and felt mesmerized from the view, "It's so beautiful!" The sun was golden yellow while the sky had a mixture of blue, purple and a bit of yellow from the sunlight. The clouds were moving ever so slowly and they were fluffy as they can be like cotton candy. Todoroki was also amazed at the view but he only looked at it for a short while and just looked at me, not even bothering to observe the sunset any longer.
I still smiled as I gazed at the beautiful view and made me feel calm that I accidentally leaned my head against his shoulder. "O-Oh, I'm sorry-" My words stopped there when he brought me closer to him and made me sit in between his legs. My heart raised from his sudden action and I could feel his breath under my skin when he placed his head over my shoulder while his arms are wrapped around my waist. "No need to apologize", he said and became relaxed from the position that we are in, "I like being this close to you". Eventually, I feel so at ease as I cuddled in his arms and it was warm and cozy at the same time - which is probably because of his quirk, I guess. "Hehe, you're warm, Shoto", I said and kissed his hand since its the one that's close to me. He blushed from my sweet actions and decided to get me back by kissing the side of my neck, making me jump a bit with yelp. "And you're irresistible", he commented and hugged me tighter, "Can we stay stay like this for a bit, please?". The way he pleaded was so adorable so I accepted it. "Sure, but only for 5 more minutes-" "10 more minutes", he interrupted before burying his face against my neck, "Will that be fine?". Since I couldn't say no to him, I nodded and replied, "Hehe, alright. I think that's a good idea". I could've sworn that I heard him say something after he claimed his victory like "yay" but I hope it was because that side of him would've been really interesting and cute too. "Thank you, (Y/N)", was all he said before we continued cuddling into each other's arms while watching the sunset together - including our new caught fish that I named "Todo" - because it red and white koi fish and it turns out there's a red spot on his eye that reminds me of him.

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