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Hey so you stumbled across my profile huh well good thing cuz I'm lonely and I don't have friends...
ANYWAYS about the story
Your quirk is kinda like sans from undertale but it also is kinda not you see
Boom starts to explain everything in 3 2 1
You can summon bones and knives and blue bones and orange bone
When you summon a blue bone on someone they can't move they stay there like a statue
When you summon a orange bone they have to move or else they get a bit nauseous
You can do other things like teleport, summon bone sword, etc
Oh and by the way you can only activate this quirk if you feel you're own blood
You have a pet to help you in battle but most importantly it helps you keep calm
If you don't have you're pet on you then you'll go crazy and break the whole city
The pets name is whatever YOU like
Now for some stuff that's a bit boring
Hates:bullies / villains
Favorite color: F/C
Hope you read this cuz you might get confused any ways see you tomorrow or next time I become resurrected

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