Mama Bird

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Cass was sitting in her room reading quietly and drinking some tea. Her full name Cassandra Evanora Clawthorne. She goes by Cass, her mom, aunt, and friends called her that. She hums and stood up putting her cup and book down and walks downstairs to see Eda chasing around a Raven Beast. Cass knew who it was and shakes her smiling softly. Cass does a light spell to get her moms attention Which did. Raven Lilith walked Over to the orb and eats it. Cass giggles and makes more appear. Raven Lilith attacks and eats them, she soon lost interest and goes to Cass biting the back of her shirt and carries her upstairs. They goes to the room Lilith was staying in and sets Cass down and sat behind her grooming her (Cass') hair with her tongue. 

"Ew mom stop." Cass whines as she just took a shower about an hour earlier. 

Raven Lilith huff and sits on her daughter and closes her eyes as her ears twitch slightly at every little sound. Cass sighs and just lays there knowing there's no choice. Cass soon notices that her arms were getting feathers as well. Cass sighs and soon turns as well and Lilith soon grooms her daughters fur. Cass let's her closing her eyes as her wings were tucked in close to her body. 

Soon Lilith was done and she gets up and walks away laying down and curling up. Cass follows her mom and head butts her softly before laying down and resting her head on Liliths back. They fell asleep like that.

Eda walks in and sees them sleep, she slowly backs out and closes the door slowly and quietly leaving them to sleep.

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