Master plan by the Misstress

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All her life, anirya thought that the huge amount of security that followed her was just her dad's over protectiveness, was he so bad, as her mother described, or did her mother misunderstood him, why was she trained in martial arts, so keenly, as a matter of fact, she always wondered why everything was an itinerary, her every work was pre-scheduled. Because, this though she learnt all her her favourite stuff, their was less implementation, her father made sure that she never gets bored of her scheduled, by updating every now and then, after all she was a fast learner.

  What would she do if her father turned out to be pure evil!? Should she change him for good or should she punish him, she was ruthless, yes, but her father was the only man she has ever loved, how would she cause any harm to him. After all father is every girls super hero.

Well, she would decide all these after she confirms the truth, but for now she wanted to find her mom, can she handle the emotions, she was not an emotional person, since she was kid, she was way more matured, less talker, she was not a kid that would put a fit for something, she never bothered about her clothing, accessories, she wore what ever that was arranged, as far as they are decent, and considering her father's possessive behaviour, they were pretty decent. But, it is her mom, the very women that has given birth to her, and to add it up, their is a possibility that she could have a sibling. Could she take it!? Is her mom doing well!? How would she respond seeing her 20 year old daughter at her door step!?

Well, their is only one way to find, she should fly to India. No, that wasn't a problem, she could easily trick everyone, after all she was a prodigy, nothing was impossible for her, it's just she never tried to go out of her way before, she was never bored always gaining knowledge or learning things, so she never thought of being rebellious. But, she is on a mission now, And she ain't the one to back out. Making up the paln in her mind. She decided to call Ashley, the best friend, her practical everything, Ashley Summers, was the women, who you wouldn't dare to mess with, a sole heiress of biggest pharma in the world, her bff who would accompany her in  pretty much everything. Though she was home-schooled she had better friends, practically people who would make her die with laughter, yet intelligent as hell. She met Ashley, when she went to give a speech at a university in Canada, and they hit it off easily, and Ashley started visiting her, vice versa, they and small gang of few other besties of her, would spend their summers together.

"Hey Ash!! I need a help"

"Anything for you An."  Came the text back with in no -time.

"Well, host a engagement party and invite me, and all our friends." Anyways Ashley and her long time boyfriend Maxson, has been dating forever now, and they have been planning to get engaged. Maxson Williams, loved her like an elder brother she never had, he even talked with her so called fianceé, she never bothered to chat with. Only, after warning did Maxson agree to her Bethored.Maxson, was three years older than her and Ashley, and was already a successful CEO of his father's Automobile company, he turned a very high-end customer specific company to a high-end as well as mass production company, which can offer vechicles from a middle class man  to a Billionaire. She helped at few things though, and he was always ready to ask her advices.

She even took part in board decisions of her father's company, which offered almost everything in Italy from clothes to technology, you name it they had it, and it was the main supplier of primary goods and raw materials all over the world. As a matter of fact, they could stop any  countries economy by stopping their supply, her father never questioned her decisions, he even made her the major share holder, he promised her he would either shift her office to India or may be let it be in ltaly, if Rithvik agrees, but what was her father hiding.

"You missing us bae!" Anirya rolled her eyes.

"Nah! Well I am planning something."

"Woah! Am I really texting Anirya, or did some one hacked her phone."

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