How to Get a Big Sister, by 08

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Its the big thwee.

Not my pic.

Sorry for procrastinating, I've been doing The Framed Villain and procrastinating on that.  

I wrote a one shot where Detective Shinso-Midoriya Izumi fvcks up and goes to canon bc it wouldn't leave me alone.

we left off where 08 finds Eri and walks away with her holding his hand.  

Now 08 has to learn parenting and all that.  

He is in for a ride.



|08's telepathy|

{08's sign language}

(Your author adding random schist🙃)



sky above Musutafu, afternoon, 3rd PoV

08 put Eri on his back and unfurled his wings.  Taking off, he soared above the city and looked down on all the people.

They looked like ants, he observed.

Eri was amazed by the sights and couldn't tear her eyes away.

They landed on top of a roof, and he set her down.  

|Where should we go?|

"I-I d-don't k-know."

|I can find an abandoned place maybe.| 08 suggested.

"I d-don't m-mind.  I-I don't t-think 08 is a n-name though."

|Its a number.  I escaped from a terrible place too.  I don't know if I even have a name.  I think I was created in that lab, but I'm not sure.|

"O-oh.  I t-think that you s-should have a name too, Mr. 08"

08 smiled.

|Maybe you can give me one?|

"Yeah!  Uh... How about Izuku?"

|Izuku it is!|

The newly named Izuku looked at Eri fondly, then they went back to flying.

Timeskip, evening

Izuku had found a small apartment that sucked but would work.  Eri looked around in wonder, even though it was fairly drab and broken down looking. 

|I don't think normal houses look like this, but we can make do.| Izuku decided.

Eri nodded and sat on the floor.  Izuku looked at hos messy purple hair and willed it to change.  

It turned curly and green and shrank in size.  Just a bit though.(basically canon hairstyle) His eyes turned green and he decided he was done.  

|Eri, I can change my look, so I might look like this more cuz I like it.|

"Okay Izuku!"

Timeskip, one month later

Their schist apartment now looked like a normal one.  

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