Ch. 2

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"Bahjaaa!" I cry. "Talk time." we nodded and went to my room. "Day Day can you go outside?" I asked. "Sure.." he looked at us suspiciously.  He walked out and Bahja said, "I haven't talked to you in forever! So wassup?" I sighed. I told her everything, to Prince cheating on me to Day Day flirting with me. "Dang!" She says. "Obviously, he's feeling for you. The question everyone is wondering; are YOU feeling HIM?" Bahja asked curiously. "Should I go with him?" I asked, smiling slightly. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Should I go with Roc?" She asked. "Totally. I'll hook you up." I nodded my head. "Okay." she smiled. I walked to the door,  and I walked out. "So you go with Day Day now?" Prince asked me. "So you go with Babydoll now?" I mocked him. "DO YOU?!" He pushed me against the wall, and Day Day walks in. "Oh. It's you again. This is your second warning." Day Day said As Day Day went off on Prince, I studied Day Day's features. I loved his skin complexion, the way he clenched his fists when he got mad.

"Come on, the guys and I was about to go out for a sec. You wanna come?" he asked me. "Sure." I said, wanting to spend more time with him and the guys. I didn't want to stay in the hotel room with Prince around, knowing what he could do. We went in the room and quickly changed. I bit my lip as I saw Day Day without his shirt. I quickly stopped, hoping he didn't see me. We went to the living room to wait for the guys. I caught him glancing at me every once in a while. It was nice- Prince never did that before. He always stared after other girls, not caring to even send a GLANCE my way. The boys tumbled out their rooms, stumbling over each other and laughing."Ready?" Spotlight asked. "Yeah." Day Day and I say in unison then smiled at each other, like we shared a secret that only we knew about. "They totally did it last night." Julian nodded his head, and I slapped him in his chest playfully. "Nah." I shook my head. "Let's go." Spotlight said.

We walked out the room, talking and laughing to the pool. When we got to the pool, Day Day threw me across his shoulder, and ran to one of the chairs. I laughed as he sat down and put me in his lap. "Can I say dirty stuff to you?" Day Day asked in my ear. "Okay." I nodded my head. "If you were my girl, I'd make you scream so loud that you can't talk for two days." He whispers, biting my earlobe. "Is that so?" I ask. "If you were my girl, I'd touch you like this.." he trailed off, squeezing my butt. "Oh really now?" I giggle. "That bikini would look better off your body." He whispered, trailing kisses down my neck. "I would handle you like a cannibal." He says, making me bite my lip. "I n-need to... Go!" I stutter, then stumbled away from him. "Hey, Cap!" Spotlight waved from the pool. "Wassup?" I wave back. "Day Day wants to know if-" Day Day cut Spotlight off. "Shut up!" he yelled and Spotlight laughed before going underneath the water. 

Day Day

I just HAD to listen to Capri's conversation with that Bahja girl. She said she wants to go with me! I have to talk to the boys about Capri being my first official girlfriend. I need the OK sign from them. If the bros don't like her, then I can't go with her. They probably like her, I see that they aren't tense around Capri like they used to be. Aha, I charmed her.... I think I did. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and swung her around a bit. She laughed. Oh, how much I loved that laugh. I wanted to really have her, so I said in French in her ear: "Vous êtes très joli. Je veux que vous soyez la mienne. Ma fille. Mon épouse. Si vous étiez ma fille, je vous traiterais aime la reine que vous êtes. Je vous protégerais jusqu'à moi meurs. Je ne tricherai jamais sur vous ou mentirai à vous. Ceci que je promets."

I just said, "You are very pretty. I want you to be mine. My girl. My wife. If you were my girl, I'd treat you like the queen you are. I would protect you until I die. I will never cheat on you or lie to you. This I promise." 

She replied, "Je t'aime. Je sais que vous ne me traiterez jamais sans respect ou me blesserez. Vous êtes différent des autres garçons. Vous êtes un véritable gentleman, et je vous daterai heureusement. Je pense que vous êtes le morceau absent de moi. Je vous aimerai jusqu'à l'extrémité de moi."  

Translated into, "I love you. I know that you will never treat me without respect or will hurt me. You are different from the other boys. You are a true gentleman, and I will date you in a heart beat. I think that you are the piece absent from me. I will love you until the end of me." 

Then I kissed her. I didn't care if the guys saw us. I didn't care if the guys were gaping and staring at us. All I cared about was Capri at this moment, sharing this moment with her forever. And I planned on making this last. We pulled away and I walked to the chairs, holding Capri. "I wanna go swim." Capri said. "Okay." I agreed, putting her down. She ran and joined the guys in the pool. She looked like she was safe, so I watched them while I drank some lemonade. "Day Day? Ya'll down here too?" I heard, and I widened my eyes as I saw her standing above me. "Indigo?" I asked, uncertain. "Yup!" She nodded her head. "Yeah, we here." I said, still watching Capri. "No kisses?" Indigo asked. "Naw." I shook my head. "I got a girlfriend." I pointed to Capri who was playing with Corey and Julian. It seemed like they was playing Marco Polo. I love that game!"She seems like she's with Julian." Indigo said, her words dripping with venom and hate. "She's with me. Now I must be going, they are playing my favorite game." I told her then ran into the pool. "Day Day!" she laughed, splashing water on me. "Capri!" I mocked, laughing.

"Isn't that-" I cut Langston off. "Yes now shut up." I said quickly. "Don't tell me to-" I gave him a look.  "Alright... Why is she watching us with a hateful stare then?" Langston asked. "I'll tell you when we get to the room." I said, not wanting to discuss anything in front of Capri to make her worried. "She is making me mad. Hold up." Corey said, and got out the pool. He walked over to Indigo and started talking to her. I saw her look Corey up and down. He started moving his hand around and she started to do the same thing. 


Why was Indigo still stalking us? She just makes me so freaking mad.  I got out the pool and walked over to her. I saw her look me up and down. "Why are you still stalking us?" I asked. "I'm not stalking you. I came down here with Myles. Did you know-" I cut her off. 'He wants to be a DJ. Yes. Can you please stop watching us?" I asked, making hand movements. "I wasn't watching you! I was trying to decide if ya'll still looked the same as I remembered!" Indigo exclaimed, making hand movements as well. "You know what?" I said frustrated. 'What I know?!" she exclaimed, getting loud. "Stay away from me and my friends. Stop being such a stalker. It's a huge turn off, and you could do so much better. You're a pretty girl who doesn't want a flirt as a boyfriend." and with that, I jumped into the pool. 

Day Day

"How did you know French?" I asked Capri. "My mom is Nicki Minaj and my dad is Drake. Being their daughter required me to know a lot of languages." Capri replied. "Cool." I said, and gave her a kiss. This is the girl who's gonna stay by my side until the end. I just know it.

A/N: BAM! Do u guys think that Corey might have feelings for Indigo? What was so bad that made the guys hate Indigo? Do u think that Prince/ Ray/ Indigo/ Diggy is gonna sabotage Capri and Day Day's relationship?

#Cay Cay







What team ur on? Day Day and Capri? Prince and Capri? Diggy and Capri? Remember!




Feliz Navidad :) 

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