Chapter Five

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This is dedicated to ResidentLetDown, ZEWeirdOn, CucumberGodess, fantasyofsneha and 29077r who requested an update.
daydreamingninja007, Silver_rose_13579, and -pieceofgarbage- who seemed to love this story and left comments on chapter four. :)

💙 Peter Parker ❤️

  "Here you go sir. Nice, hot cup of coffee." Peter claimed, placing the cup down on the desk next to Tony. It was a week into his internship and he was getting used to not handing Tony things. It was odd sure, since he was so used to handing people things and not thinking twice about it, but he was slowly started to get the concept. He wasn't really sure for the reasoning yet, he hadn't figured it out, and he really didn't want to ask. All he knew was that it was a sign of trust, because Peter only saw three people hand things to Tony Stark and that was James Rhodes, Happy Hogan, and Pepper Potts.

  "It's cold." Tony said upon taking a sip. He made a face, one that said he wasn't too sure on what to think about what his tongue was tasting. His eyebrows furled together, and he licked his lips as if trying to taste it again without actually taking another sip.

  "Nice cup of coffee." Peter's cheeks burned red, embarrassment filling up his entire being. He knew he had forgotten to do something while trying to carry out the task Tony had given him. It appeared as if heating up the water he used to make the coffee was just that.

  Tony risked another sip. "It tastes horrible." He scowled at the liquid inside the cup, longing for the good tasting coffee Happy normally brought him. He hadn't figured that getting coffee would be that hard. All Peter had had to do was go out and buy some from the Starbucks just down the street.

  "Cup of coffee?" Peter suggested, he was uncertain at that point, disappoint and shame joining the embarrassment that filled him. His ears turned pink, and he looked down at his shoes, unable to look at Tony in that moment. He had never made coffee before! He didn't normally drink the stuff, and his Aunt May didn't either, she was more of a tea person.

  "I'm not even sure if this is even coffee." Yet Tony didn't set the cup down, he continued to stare at the contents in the cup as if it would tell him what exactly what it was. He said it wasn't coffee, so he was left trying to figure out what it might be.

  "Cup." Defeat was evident in Peter's voice. His shoulders sagged, and a frown weighed down the corners of his mouth. He could feel Tony's eyes on him, having looked away from the beverage in his hands. He didn't look up though, too afraid to see the look on his face. He didn't want to see the disappointed that was there, Peter was feeling that pointed at himself enough for the both of them already.

"Did you try to make this yourself, kid?" Tony finally spoke again, he had noticed the mug that the 'coffee' sat in rather than the disposable cups that Happy normally brought try his coffee in. Tony hardly used the mugs in the tower, leaving them in the kitchen more so for the use of the other Avengers. Well not only that but Clint often seemed to hoard the mugs in his room despite the fact that Tony only ever saw him drink out of the coffee pot.

  "I, uh," Peter only just managed to peel his gaze up from the floor, knowing it was best to look at Tony while telling the truth. Eye contact was important, liars often avoided eye contact, which was why Peter always tried to maintain it. Not because he wanted to successfully lie, but because he wanted people to know he was being honest. "Yeah."

  "Why didn't you just go down the street to Starbucks?" Tony asked, glancing at the cup again before shrugging and taking a sip. Whether it was cold and tasted bad, he didn't seem to care. He'd drink it anyway.

  "Well, I um, don't exactly have the money to do so." His voice was quiet, he hated to admit the fact that him and his aunt didn't have a lot of money. Although Peter knew this conversation was waiting to happen, especially when he would have to explain that he probably wouldn't be able to come to the tower on certain days. He had a job after all, one that he needed to help his aunt make ends meet.

  "Oh right, that!" Tony exclaimed, sounding as if he had just remembered something he had previously forgotten. He opened his desk drawer, rummaging around inside it, obviously looking for something. But he didn't find it there. He slammed it closed and started searching the contents on his desk. When he couldn't find it there he started digging into his pockets, pulling out whatever lied in there. "Aha, here it is!"

  Tony tossed something in Peter's direction. Without hesitation, Peter reached out, catching the object thrown his way. A card. Not just a regular card, but a credit card, one that obviously belonged to Tony Stark. It was the kind that was coloured gold, and Peter was sure it could pay for a lot of stuff. He just stared at the card in his hands with the utmost shock.

  "That's for you. Any purchases you need to make, use that card and I'll pay for it. And that other job you had, quit that. You'll be making plenty enough working for me, you won't need that other job." Tony continued on, ignoring the look on Peter's face as he explained himself. "Also no more trying to make this not-coffee, if you need to get coffee we'll get Happy to get it. We'll use your brain for other bigger projects. So let's have it kid, share what you've got."

  Peter just stared at Tony, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to form words. It took a couple of moments, and surprisingly Tony waited for the boy to collect himself. "I don't know what to say, I can't possibly ta-" He didn't get to finish what he was saying for Tony cut him off.

  "You can take it and you will. I'm not taking no for an answer. You're my intern and it's only fair that I pay for the things you will need as my intern. Now come on, what ideas do you have in that brain of yours. Let's get to work making those dreams a reality shall we?"

  Peter couldn't say much to that. All he knew was if Tony really was serious about this, a lot of doors had just opened for Peter. Doors he would be forever grateful to Tony for opening.

  "Well, I did have this one idea that's been plaguing me..."


(1120 words)

Can't believe I actually managed to update this after almost two years of not touching it. But here we are. I hope you've all enjoyed this little gift in this terrible time that's been 2020. I am definitely trying to get back into this as I try to spend more of my time writing again. Thank you all for your patience, and the fact you're even reading this after two years time means the world to me. Thank you 💛❤️💙

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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