Chapter One

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💙 Peter Parker ❤️

  Peter Parker was only five when Tony Stark made his first appearance as Ironman. He remembered staring up at the tv, jaw dropping as a video of the suit flying across the sky played. How was it possible for a metal suit to fly across the sky like that? Even at the age of five Peter had grasped concepts such as gravity and things like that. He had a deep love for science that was there for as long as Peter could remember.

  Since he first saw the suit, he loved Ironman. He looked up to the person in the suit, even when he had no idea as to who it was. Peter idolized the person in the suit, almost as much as he idolized his Uncle Ben. Here was a man who made something and used it for good. He put his life in danger to protect others, if that wasn't something to look up to, then nothing was in Peter's mind.

  "I want to do that! I want to be Ironman!" Peter said, both hands pressed against the screen of the tv as he looked at what it was showing with wide eyes. Both Uncle Ben and Aunt May had told him not to get that close to the tv for it would hurt his eyes. He never listened though, not when they were showing clips of the latest rescue by Ironman.

  "But you know Peter," Uncle Ben said, scooping Peter up and setting him down on the couch so he wasn't so close to the tv. "With power like that comes a lot of responsibilities."

  "I can handle those res-pons-i-bill-ill-ities." Peter said, stumbling over the big word that he had never actually tried speaking until now. He looked up at his uncle with determination in his eyes. Not only for saying the word, but wanting to prove that he could be Ironman. He could handle the responsibility that came with the suit.

  Aunt May just laughed. "Let's wait until you can actually say 'responsibilities' and then we'll see. Although I'm sure you would make a great Ironman." She said smiling over at him. Peter couldn't help but smile back. Aunt May and Uncle Ben had always believed in him no matter what it was he did. That alone gave him plenty of strength to do some of the things he did.

  "But I can say respons-ibilitieties. Responsibilities." He said finally getting the word correct after taking it slow. He grinned up at his aunt, pride clear in his eyes. "See! I can be Ironman because I can say responsibilities." This time he spoke the word faster and didn't stumble over it just as much.

  Uncle Ben and Aunt May shared a look. A silent conversation happened between them, one that Peter didn't understand. He was never good with the whole talking with your eyes thing. But in the end, it seemed like Uncle Ben had won their silent disagreement.

  "I guess we'll need to get you a suit then." Uncle Ben said. Peter was instantly overjoyed. He jumped up, both hands in the air with the biggest smile on his face. He couldn't hold back the happy, excited noises he made. He was going to get his own suit!


A couple years had passed and there was no bigger Ironman fan than Peter Parker. Just about everything in his room was Ironman themed. He had his own helmet and gloves, just like the ones that Tony Stark had for his suit. Although the helmet was simply plastic and the gloves were winter gloves with LED lights in the palms. Peter knew that the real Ironman's suit was Gold-Titanium Alloy but that didn't mean that his equipment was any less real to him.

After the reveal of Ironman, Peter had taken a huge interest in Tony Stark. He wanted to know more about what his hero did and what he was all about. Not as Ironman but as Tony Stark. He knew he was a high social ranking billionaire, but he had dug deeper than that, wanting to know more than the front Tony put up. His growing mind hadn't been settled with that little bit of information like so many other people were.

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