Sakuatsu part 4

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So after atsumu ate the pancake he was really full. For the past day atsumu and sakusa always hanging out sometimes it's even a date shh don't tell anyone it's our secret🤫. Now back to the story Atsumu asked sakusa if he is available on saturday....
                    Mr clean freak

Atsumu:Omi kun are you available on saturday

Sakusa: No i have to clean the house barry~

Barry/atsumu:I am not barry omi kun!

Sakusa:If not barry how about sangwoo

Sangwoo/atsumu:...Why sangwoo i don't like him-

Sangwoo:Who dosen't like me let me break his ankles😀

Atsumu:H-How did you get in this chat

Kenma:Blame kuroo

Kuroo:Hey it was an accident

Atsumu/sangwoo:How the hell are you all in this chat-

Yoonbum:By kenma he hack our account to get in this chat

Atsumu/sangwoo:What happend

Kenma:Kuroo went to buy food but as he went home he got into the wrong house

Sakusa:😀You all get the fwak out of this chat except atsumu


     *So everyone got out of the chat*

Sakusa went to get some tea and took a rest on the couch but sakusa fell asleep he did not know that atsumu is coming over.
Atsumu knocked on the door three times but sakusa didn't answer.
Atsumu went inside and found out sakusa was asleep so he coverd sakusa with a blanket so sakusa can stay warm.

Me:Cute right im so single☠️ Now let's get back to the story

A few moments later sakusa woke up and saw atsumu cooking at the kitchen
He ask what are you cooking...

Sakusa:What are you cooking sangwoo?

Atsumu:Its a secret~ and i am not sangwoo omi kun hmp!

Sakusa:ok ok whatever let me take a shower

Atsumu:You better lock the doors~


Atsumu:Hehe~ im just kidding

Sakusa:...Im going to kill you when im done taking a shower


Warning:Innocent childs skip this part stay pure soul. And i Maybe added a little spice.

If you ask how many bathroom does sakusa house has 2 bathroom.

So sakusa went into his room and took a shower. Sakusa forgot to lock the door Atsumu went inside sakusa room and went to the bathroom.
As he went in to you know he saw sakusa in the shower atsumu eyes were sparkling.
Atsumu was h o r n y✨.
He took his clothes off and went into the shower with sakusa.
Sakusa was wondering what was  touching him.
His legs went weak.
Then He knew what was touching him. So he turn around and saw atsumu. Sakusa face went really red.
Sakusa was about to go out of the shower but atsumu grabed his hand and he starts kissing sakusa.
Sakusa closed his eye Atsumu started to stroke sakusa.

                      *5min later*

Me: If you ask me how many rounds they go lets just say 4-6 rounds

So after they did the thing they dry themself and having a cute momment. After they dry themself they went to baked  a cake they even played with the frosting.

                     *50 min later*

After baking a cake the ate the cake and talk about themself. The had fun and sweet moment's. But then atsumu had an email.

Me: Wonder who is it from well stay update.

To be continued....

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