part 16

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Ally's POV:
The next morning I woke up to Sirius's gaze on me. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I joked tiredly. He scoffed at me and pulled me into cuddle. "We have to be at the train in an hour and a half." I nodded and enjoyed being by him. "Mr and Mrs. Black. Sounds nice doesn't it?" I smiled up at him. "Yeah.. It does princess." He smiled back.

After 30 minutes, I got up and put some clothes on and packed. "Are you ready?" Sirius called from the door. I ran downstairs with my bag and nodded. "Let's go home." I smiled at him. As we arrived at the train station, it was quiet. Usually it's packed with people but not today.

As we walked to platform 9 and 3/4, Sirius held my hand. I left most of my stuff back at Hogwarts so all I had was the clothes I took home and my other basic necessities. "Start running!" I called out tugging Sirius into the wall. We rounded the corner as people called us over to congratulate us. "Ah yes, Mr.Black and husband stealer." I heard James from behind us. I giggled and turned around, "but he still chose me. Didn't he?" James fell to the floor. "Oh the pain!" Lily rolled her eyes and walked up to hug me.

As the four of us walked into the compartment, Peter and Remus were already there. "Hey guys! James, Lily, and I have to go to the prefect compartment in a few minutes." Remus said joyfully. "What are you so excited about?" Lily questioned. "Well.. I asked Maddie to officially be my girlfriend and she said yes." I patted him on the back and told him congratulations.

"Alright guys, let's go." Lily said after a few minutes. "Wait wait wait. Sirius, love? Won't you be in my bed tonight?" James called before leaving. "Of course darling." Sirius stated. I slapped his arm and curled up onto him. "How are you wormtail?" Sirius asked Peter. He seemed to have frozen for a second before answering, "oh uh, I'm ok. How about you?" I fell asleep to the sounds of their voices exchanging in conversation.

"Hey, wake up." Peter said shaking me. I opened my eyes to see only Peter and I were in the compartment. "Where did everyone go?" I said stretching. "Prefects duty and then James came to take Sirius to do a prank on some 2nd years." I laughed and leaned over to Peter. He seemed confused but I hugged him. "You're a great friend to Sirius and James. Thank you.." Peter didn't speak but nodded quietly.

Next thing you know, it's only Peter, Lily, and I in the common room still waiting on the rest. We had set our stuff down and met back up to wait for the rest. "Where could they be.. Oh my gosh, what if they aren't ok?!" Lily panicked as it hit 9'. I got up
and walked out as the rest followed. I flew down the stairs and turned a corner to find Maddie crying. "Mads?!" I ran over and hugged her. "Guys- I was with R-Remus. James and Sirius came to find him and when they did, they joined us. A bunch of S-Slytherin's turned the corner and started talking about how he married a blood-traitor. All three of them are in the hospital wing."

I stood up and felt sadness in my heart. "Go check on them. I'll be right there." I instructed the rest. I walked back to the common room and sat down in my bed. Am I really the reason that they're in the hospital wing? I'm putting my friends lives in danger. I began crying loudly and screaming. I threw a glass mug I had and it shattered on the floor. "I fucking hate myself." I screamed thinking about how I was hurting my friends more then doing good.

Sirius's POV:
We weren't in the hospital wing for that long due to it only being a muggle brawl. I hated when they talked about my girl like that. She's the best thing to happen to me. The whole group minus Ally walked back to the common room but when we entered, all we heard was glass shattering. My heart dropped as I threw my jacket onto the couch and ran to the girls room.

I opened the door to see Ally having tears run down her face, blood on her arms and hands, and glass on the floor. A few seconds after, everyone else crowded behind me to see what happened. I walked up to Ally and hugged her as tight as I could. James pushed past everyone and wrapped his arms around the both of us. Soon enough, every single one of our friends were hugging. "I'm sorry." Ally sobbed.

We let go as she fell into the floor and covering her eyes. "Why?" Lily pulled her hands from her eyes. "It's my fucking fault as usual. If I would've left Sirius alone, he wouldn't have married me and been taunted his whole life. The boys wouldn't get into fist fights and none of this drama would happen!!!" I screamed. Lily backed up a little in shock that Ally had just yelled.

Before I could do something or even say something, James pulled Ally up. "Moony, get a wet towel. Now for you, shut up. You're the best damn thing to happen to Padfoot. As for us, it's our job as your brothers. We will defend your name in any situation. Lily and Mads love you more then life-it's-self. So stop feeling sorry and throwing shit." I looked at James in shock the sudden harshness. "You're right. I'm sorry." She whispered.

Remus came back with the cloth and started to wipe the blood away. When the glass shattered, I guess it hit her arm or something. I couldn't exactly think straight while seeing my wife in so much pain. I touched James's shoulder and replaced his spot. "Ally I love you. I love you ok? I would do anything for you. You just gave us another reason to fight! It's something Prongs and I like doing unlike Moony. Moony still stepped in when he heard your name though. It's ok, love." I said taking her head into my chest.

The rest of the night we all talked about real things like death eaters, Slytherin's, and about all the killings. "Well Dumbledore did invite us to join the Order of the Phoenix. I already said yes." Lily whispered. Maddie nodded her head aswell. I looked around as the boys all agreed too. Ally and I hadn't said anything to Dumbledore yet but planned on going tomorrow.

We left the dorms around 12:30 to get some sleep since class started up again tomorrow. I fell into my bed and thought about the wedding, Ally all upset, and the death eaters. "Prongs?" I asked seeing if he was awake. "Mhm.." He sleepily said. "What if we die.." I whispered. His eyes opened as he stared at me like he didn't think of that. "We won't." He said like he was trying to convince himself.

I nodded and relaxed back into my bed. Oh how I wish Ally was in my arms to fall asleep next too. It be so much easier and more comfortable.

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