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Tw: hevey homophobia from Azula and by extension Ozi. Slurs (not used just the first letter)

I do not condone the use of slurs. I mention slur usage, From the fire nation but are you going to tell me Ozi is a deasnt person. He is not accepting and you can't convince me otherwise.

cursing is toph's second language. zuko has cursed but doesn't curse as much anymore because he's fire lord now. aang has never cursed. sokka has cursed. kattara used to get mad at herself and overs for cursing but she now swers to wake everyone up. suki has cursed

I think pre redemption Zuko (like book one) had a potty mouth.
As his fugitive phase progresses he swears less. This is a result of him spending a lot more time actually listening to Iroh.
Then when he betrayes Iroh he swears quite a lot, but mostly axedently but the difference from how he was at the start is that he is less likely to swear at someone (-azula lol). He swear's more at himself and occasionally swares when he does something wrong. It's still agrivated swares but just directed at himself.

Azula Definitely called Zuko the f slur. I'm not saying this to be edgy. Child Azula probably first called him it when she didn't get what she wanted from him, not knowing what it ment. She probably heard it from a fire nation general or something. Azula probably still calls him the f slur, and so casually as well. Poor Zuko probably got denatured to it, like it's sorta just a really mest up nickname to him now. The poor man probably started calling himself it  internally.
We talk about the sheer amount of de-internaliseing homophobia and accepting himself Zuko had to do.
But can we talk about Iroh. Like he went from being a core participant to actively participating to a bistander to opposing it to activately against the war. He came from the fire naishon, I think he would have always been neutral towards it never actually participating in homophobia (I believe deep down from even his younger he new that it was wrong (meanwhile with the war, he was likely indoctrinated from a young age)).

I forgot that Aang canonically has a potty mouth.

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