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toph's asexual and bi (slight female preference). (Ignoring legend of Korea she would be sexually repulsed)
zuko's gay. (Closeted and likely to never come out in his lifetime due to the firenaishon pre- fire lord Zuko having a law against homosexually. Even when Zuko removes that law, the firenaishon still holds a large percentage of homophobic people)
aang's pan.
sokka's also bi.
katara's strait.
suki's also bi (no preference).

bonas: mai's gay. ty lee's bi (woman preference).

i think of mai and zuko as one of those relationships that were set up by their parents. you're wondering why ozi whod even bover setting zuko up. i think it wasn't ozi it was ursa(zuko's mum) who set zuko up not knowing that zuko and mai were both gay. don't get me wrong i love the line"you miscalculated i love zuko more than i fear you" but i think in this logic it's even cooler because she's saying that she never feared azula and to save myself from sadness she only see's zuko as a friend. DAM i mite make that into a book.

I did lol

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