Give Taka a hug! (Skippable)

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This part is not necessary to the story btw-

You slam open the door to Takas room. He lifts his head.
"H-huh?" he blurts out. You run up to him and look at him sternly. You sit down next to him and brush of your knees an shoulders.
"Y/n?! What are you-" he tried to say but got interrupted by being held tightly by you. You hold him close. Eventually he wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder. After a while you let go of him.
"It's gonna be okay." You tell him. His eyes fill up with tears but he quickly dries them.
"T-thank you Y/n." he sniffs. You smile at him kindly and then run out of his room again.

Feel free to use this as the opposite perspective instead if he's a comfort character :]]

Also sorry for the rlly late updates-

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