Chapter 2

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It was the next morning, Tooru's birthday, actually. He woke up in a very good mood. He woke up at 5am, just to look special today. He took his morning shower and did his hair, putting on a pine scented cologne. He wasn't a fan of unnatural strong smells such as axe. He went downstairs to the smell of his mother making breakfast. "Happy Birthday Tooru." She said with a soft smile while opening the oven to take some hot rolls out. Oikawa rushed over and removed them for her. "Let me get that mama" He smiled and gave her a hug. "I can't believe you are already 19!! You are growing so fast.." She sniffled. The two sat down for breakfast and talked just about small things.

"hey, would you mind if I invite Hajime over tonight?" He asked his mother. She smiled and nodded. "Of course, I haven't seen him in awhile!" Tooru handed her some money. "Would you mind picking up some baking stuff and snacks?" She smiled once again. "Not at all!" She looked at the time. "You should get going if Hajime is going to walk with you like always." Tooru looked at the time and nodded. "Okay mama! I love you!!" He kissed her head and grabbed his bag, leaving to stand on his porch to wait for the other.

Tooru waited under his porch for Hajime to arrive so they could walk to school together. Every morning they walked to school together, ever since 3rd grade. Sure they had known each other longer, their parents just weren't fond of the idea of them walking to school and back at such a young age.

"Shittykawa!!" Hajime yelled at the other from down the street. "Hey!! Don't Call me that!!" he huffed. When Hajime arrived, he shoved a gift into Tooru's arms. It was rather small, which made him even more excited to open it. He carefully unwrapped the gift, trying not to rip the paper. When he looked inside, he saw some pocky and chocolates. He smiled and lifted up the pocky box to eat some, but then saw something under it. There were at least fifty pictures of the two from the past five years. "Awhh!! Iwa-chan this means so much!! Thank you!!" Tooru loved the thought inside the gift. "Happy Birthday crappykawa, just because you are crappy doesn't mean I don't love you" They both started to laugh. "Oh? What's that? Iwa-chan being nice? Oh please say it again!!" This remark received him a smack on the back of his head. "ow!! ow!! ow!!" He yelped. "JUST BECAUSE IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY DOESN'T MEAN I'M SUDDENLY GOING TO BE NICE!!" He yelled at the other which just made him smile. "So rude!!" He huffed heavily. 

The two began to walk to school, sharing an umbrella once again. Tooru was actually wearing Hajime's sweater from yesterday over his uniform. Of course, he knew he would have to take it off at school, but that didn't stop him from wearing it. Hajime thought it was cute how he was wearing it.

The entire day Tooru was getting all kinds of birthday wishes from everyone, and all types of gifts. He even received some love confessions! The day went by as normal for the most part. Tooru got bored in his History class, so he decided to text Hajime.

(T is for Tooru, and H is for Hajime)


H:What do you want dumbass you should be in class

T:Well i'm bored. I finished my work as the teacher is being boring.

H:that's not my problem.

T:It is now

T:*Attachment Image 1*

H:Why are you sending me a picture of your face.

T:*Attachment Image 1*

T:Because i'm so beautiful you have to see this amazing face

H:*Attachment Image 1*

T:Don't send me the middle finger!! How rude!!

H:Then shut up.

T:But I have a question to ask



H:Just ask the damn question.

T:Do you want to come to my house tonight? Mama misses you, and I bought us some video games!

H:fine. ONLY because it is your birthday.

T:awhh you don't mean that, you would have came anyways!

H:would not.

T:would too.

H:would NOT.

T:would TOO.


T:whatever you say iwa-chann~

H:Go to hell.

T:Only if you are there;)

H:please don't say that ever again.

T:Whyy it would be hot!

H:I am seriously going to block you.

T:You're bluffing.

H:Watch me.

T:! Whatever.

your message was not delivered.

T: ! haha very funny.

your message was not delivered.

T: ! so mean.

your message was not delivered.


I am aware these chapters are uneventful, the next chapter will be very fluffy. I just don't like to get straight into the conflict. Anyways, would you guys prefer shorter, more often chapters like these? (500-700 words) Or longer, less often chapters? (1-2k words)

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