{Bill Denbrough}

15 1 0

Y/n pov

Moving to a new school is like a push of a button in my case. I happen to move a lot with my mom being in the military. So here I am at my 11th new school. Just as I had remembered from my old school kids were crowding the halls, lockers being slammed shut, and bells ringing. As I was looking around to find the office I was meant to go to I felt something on my back then suddenly I was pushed.

"Watch where you're going sweetheart" said a mean looking boy. From the corner of my eye I saw a group of kids point at us saying something I couldn't hear so much. I just rolled my eyes at the boy and shoved my way through the small crowd around us.

*skip 3 minutes* Here I am bell just rung most kids out of the hallways but I was still looking for the main office. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and saw the same group of kids from earlier.

"Looking for the main office?" One boy with dark hair and glasses asked. "Yeah I am" I said smiling. "Well follow us "a girl with reddish hair pushed past and told me.
"Ok thank you" I said then got behind the girl. As we were walking a cute boy with brown hair smiled at me causing me to blush and smile back.

"Here we are also Henry the boy that pushed you is a as*hole make sure to stay away from him" the pretty red girl said. I nodded "Ill keep that in mind thank you...". "Beverly" she said. "Beverly" I said waving to the group and they all waved back.

*Skip to lunch*
Finally it's lunch I'm tired down from classes I mean they were not so bad because I had Beverly and the others in some but still tiring. I went through the lunch lime the food didn't look as bad as my previous school's but still looked somewhat gross.

As I was heading to a small black table at the corner of the lunch room I heard someone call my name "Y/n!". I looked over and saw Beverly waving me over along with the Richie and the others just smiling. "Come over here" Beverly said so I turned around and made my way over there.

*Skip 17 minutes*
Lunch was coming to an end and everyone but Bill and I were going to dump their trays. "S-so h-hi Y/n" Bill said "hey Bill" "Yo-You look g-good today. We-ll um not t-that I've se-en u a-any other d-days. I giggled "Well thanks Bill you look good as well"I said and everyone was heading back.

"Wa-" He was cut off by the bell. " I'll talk to u outside Bill" I said over kids yelling.
He nodded and everyone headed off to their classes. Wow I really like this boy...


First imagine isn't to good but I tried! And welcome to my new book everyone. :)

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