Ideas For New Gadgets

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    So I have some ideas for new gadgets for every Brawler. This is all made up by me. Please leave a comment if I left a Brawler out. It there are only two charges per match it means that the gadget is very good and can't be used much. If it is one charge per match it means that it is ultra overpowered (even though there hasn't been a single gadget that only have one charge per match). I also made names for the gadgets that I made up. And I will try to put all the numbers in word form (because I have rarely seen other Wattpad books that is serious and not for humor have numbers in Standard Form unless it is mentioning the time or the year, et cetera [that stands for etc (I don't know if I should add an period for the abbreviation etc so I didn't. But please tell me in the comments if I should)]. And yes I will fix all the other numbers in my other books too if there are numbers in Standard Form in books that I have unpublished, or books that is in my draft before I decided to change the numbers into Standard Form, I won't fix the numbers in Standard Form yet because I am too lazy. Lol. But I won't change the Standard Form numbers if they are in a humor book by me, like both of my dares books ( for example: Odd Squad Truth or Dare Book and Brawl Stars Dare Book). So I won't be changing any numbers in both of these humor books. This is sort of a humor book but I won't be changing these numbers into standard form. Lou will be out soon so I will add him to this chapter.

    New Gadgets:

    Shelly: Fire Rings: Shelly throws out a circle that is full of flames [like Barley's attack, it looks exactly the same attack as Wizard Barley's (and Red Wizard Brawley's)] The flames deal four hundred and fifty damage per second. The circle is as big as Barley's attack. The flames lasts for five seconds.

Charges Per Match: three.

    Nita: Bearing with Invisibility: Nita summons a bear that is invisible and only her allies and her can see. The bear will have one thousand HP. The bear deals one thousand, two hundred and twenty five damage and it remains invisible for two seconds. After it becomes visible to enemies, the bear gains two thousand health and the bear do only four hundred damage now. The bear also gains a shield that deflects thirty percent of the damage for three seconds. If the bear isn't killed after seven seconds then it will disappear. If it disappear then Nita's super charge will charge up by fifty percent. The Hyper Bear Star Power doesn't effect this bear from the gadget. Neither does Bear with Me.

Charges Per Match: two.

    Colt: Extra Pain: When activated, each of Colt's bullets will do two hundred hundred and fifty more damage. This doesn't effect his super.

Charges Per Match: three.

    Bull: Shotgun Throw: Bull throw his shotgun like Carl's attack. It will deal one thousand damage to the enemy or enemies that are hit. However when an enemy gets hit when the shotgun is going forward the shotgun won't deal any damage to the same enemy when it is coming back to bull. 

Charges Per Match: three.

    Jessie: Faithful Dog: Scrappy immediately teleports to where Jessie is. This gadget cannot be activated without Jessie's super activated.

Charges Per Match: three.

    Brock: Flying with the Boombox: Brock will jump on his next rocket he fired and travel to the end of his attack. Besides dealing damage to enemies it will also heal Brock by seven hundred and fifty HP. This gadget can also be activated when Brock have full health.

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