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2548 words.
Griffin looks around frantically, desperately trying to find his love. Suddenly, relief floods over him as he sees her.

In the middle of the dance floor, all alone. She stands there, looking around just like him.

They lock eyes at the same time, and immediately push through the crowd to get to each other.

Domino hikes her long, flowy dress up, trying desperately to keep it from being stepped on.

The crowd around her buzzes with life and energy; she tries to push through the people as politely as she can, but she can't help but ignore their complaints as she shoves her way between them.

The lovers finally unite, and nothing in the world could break their bone crushing hug.

They hold onto each other as if they haven't been together in years, even though it's been merely a few hours.

"Are you okay?" Griffin asks, breathlessly. He's taken aback by her sheer beauty once again; her cheeks are flushed from the heat of the room and the energy makes her eyes glow.

Domino merely nods and pulls him back against her; she hates to be apart from him, especially in an event that she didn't want to attend in the first place.

Griffin grins as he pulls away, grabbing her hand and leading her away from the swarm of the crowd. They find a small table off to the side, and sit down, trying desperately to escape the loudness of the chaos.

"Why did you even want to come here anyways?" Domino whines, brushing her hands lightly through her hair. It's begun to fall apart from the intricate up-do that her mother had done hours previously.

"It's our senior prom, we had to come." Griffin responds, grinning softly to himself. He knows that she doesn't usually like school dances but he also knows that she would regret not coming to this one in the future.

She huffs and stands up, trying to pull him up with her. He stands up after a moment of annoying her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close to him again.

Their foreheads touch for just a moment, and then the scene is ruined by Jade, Griffin's best friend from middle school.

"Hey, lovebirds. Enjoying the sweaty, hormonal, teenage dance?" She asks, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

She's wearing a tight, black, bodycon dress with various slits and openings all over it, just to be a little risqué.

Jade has always been a little bit of a rebel; her parents are extremely strict, and she does everything she can to defy them in as many harmless ways as possible.

Her hair is currently dyed with cheap, Walmart box dye; she even did it herself, as anyone could see from her purple stained hands and neck.

Griffin rolls his eyes and takes a small step from Domino, keeping his arm firm around her waist.

"We were actually just about to leave." He replies, looking down at Domino as she looks up at him.

"Yes!" Domino celebrates, grinning widely. Jade smirks and rolls her eyes. The two girls have become very close over the time that Griffin and Domino have been dating.

Normally, some girls would feel threatened or jealous if their boyfriend had a female best friend, but Domino knows that Griffin would never even think about Jade in that way; they're practically family at this point.

The trio work their way out of the hot, crowd-filled room, stepping out into the cool, November air. They collectively breathe a sigh of relief and find somewhere to sit outside of their school.

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