I can see her...

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Prologue [Hajime Hinata's POV]
I slowly opened my eyes, but what I saw wasn't my regular bedroom, it was...Nagito? No this couldn't be real. Nagito was out somewhere on "vacation" being Nagito. Or wait it wasn't Nagito...it was Chiaki!? "Hajime, are you awake?" Chiaki whispered. "C-chiaki?" I was so happy until it sank in that this was fake. Chiaki was dead. I don't even know how I believed this was real for even the split of a second. I've been getting dreams about Chiaki and the Neo World Program really often recently. I just realized that Chiaki was still talking. "So please I need your help..". I didn't have any idea of what she was talking about mainly because I wasn't listening, but why would a NPC need my help? I just started at her blankly. "This isn't a game! This is reality Hajime. LISTEN!" She snapped at me. In shock I sat up. "W-what?", "It's Ju-". My eyes shot open,that's always how the dream ended, always. I've been trying to convince myself that it's fake but at this point I'm starting to doubt myself...would I really being having a dream of Chiaki every night? I got up and went down to the kitchen. I felt lonely as Nagito wasn't here. I ate my breakfast, even know I wasn't hungry. "Maybe I should call Nagito, about my dream...". I walked over to my living room sat on the couch than pulled out my phone. It was in my pocket all night. I called Nagito and explained to him. He just laughed and said "You are so very hopeful Hajime I wish I had as much hope as you d-". That wasn't very helpful, I thought to myself. I dialed Makoto and tried explaining to him what happened. He was very kind about it chiming in that he believed me every few sentences. After I finished he didn't speak for a few minutes until,, "Y'know we fixed the Neo World Program maybe it will stop bothering you after you go there!". For the next few days Makoto and I planed on when we were going to meet and when I would go into the NWP. Finally after a week we met up at the Future Foundation. He asked me "Are you sure you're ready?" I kept reassuring him that I am. I am fine and with that I got hooked up into the NWP and dived in.

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