•chapter 4•

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and the topic was


*end flashback*

*y/n POV*

(ps this is them talking IRL)

Kunimi: w-what? why do you want to talk about that? you know I hate it

y/n: ohHhHhH comeee onnnnn if you tell me who you like I'll tell you who I like deal?

Kunimi: hmmmm how about no❤️? but i might consider it.

y/n: Omggg, yayayy bettt you go first then

"in your mind"
shit i probably shouldn't tell him that I like him, he'll think im weird or dumb or i don't know, but what I do know for sure is that he doesn't have the same feelings for me.
what if he doesn't like me ?
what if he likes someone else?
what if he doesn't even like me at all?
what if-

HELLO? Y/N, are you there?
*you were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts because kunimi was literally yelling at you*

"a-ahh im sorry, what were you saying?"

"jeez y/n you didn't pay attention to what I said?" he says while sighing.

"no, im sorry i was just thinking about something" you say while starting to panic a little bit.
what were you saying though?"

"i told you my crush, so now it's your turn to tell me yours" he said while slightly smirking.

"oh my gosh. so you do like somebody? omggg tell me please i didn't hear you the first time pleaseeee"
at this point you were literally begging 🙏🏻.

fine. so i like E/N

(e/n= enemy name)
*your expression suddenly changed when you heard her name*

"oh my- I wasn't expecting her"

"yeahh, now tell me your crush"

*you panicked a little thinking if you should or not, then you got a little boost of confidence and told him"

okay, so i hope this doesn't ruin our friendship or anything but...

i like you.

*Kunimi POV*

"i like you."

"pfft, whatt you like me?"

*at this point y/n was crying softly because she knows that I don't have the same feelings for her.*
*y/n POV*

"i- u-um yeah i do like you" she managed to say in between quiet sobs.

"i- um im so sorry but I don't feel the same, I'm sorry y/n but I hope this doesn't affect our friendship."

*i quietly start to sob even more, Kunimi tried to comfort me but i didn't let him*

"i-its okay, im going to go now, bye kunimi."

I need you || Konoha Akinori (DISCONTINUED )Where stories live. Discover now