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Months Later...

          The sporadic walk-outs gained more influence from students. Teens all over Seoul started to learn of P1Harmony and what they wanted to achieve.

         The start of the chaos was when the boy' transferred Harmony to a portable device and left their secret club room. At least for while. The plan was starting to be in motion.  They started meeting at a abandoned container towards the center of the Seoul. For the time being.

        The first step was the fake leak of the boy' pictures to the press. They had planned this. Their faces would be plastered all over Seoul by sunrise.

The photos that leaked:

The photos that leaked:

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        It spread until every news station had the pictures

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        It spread until every news station had the pictures.

      The six boys' faces were plastered over every screen within Seoul. The news spread like wild fire. The adolescents of Seoul were standing behind the six who' faces were everywhere.

      News channels were covering the story across the board. "Why are they starting a movement ?--"

         "What sparked their motivation for change ?--"

              "Why these six specifically ?--" The news channels were in shock & awe. How did these six boys' start such a revolution ?

        Keeho stood in front, given he was the leader. He gave a statement that sparked real change. "We, the Youth Division, stand for change. For too long have adults ruined our dreams and hopes. Today, we plan to bring harmony back to Seoul. This is the call of the siren."

           It was hard to refuse the six as they stood in front of the entire city. Their presence was unwavering and strong. They believed in their call for a new world.

                  Theo, Soul, Intak, Jiung, Keeho, & Jongseob stood dominantly as they looked down on those who started to refuse this uprising, of sorts. Teens all across Seoul started answering the call of the siren.

                   It won't be long before the real revolution has begun. Will they succeed ? Or will Seoul fight back against the adolescents devotion for a new world ?

          They knew the battle had just begun. They weren't going down without a fight. Keeho and the guys' met up at the container. "The walk-outs have gained the attention we wanted. All that is left is if they'll give us what we want."

          They awaited confirmation as they stared at the projected screen in the container. Various news stations had opinions. "These children are entirely out of control. We can't possibly allow this to continue ?--"

       "They do have a point. Have we been pushing these children too far ? What repercussions will this have on the future of Seoul ?--"

       "I say, we gather the faces of this idiotic movement and make an example of them. This behavior is uncalled for. This is unprecedented.--"

     "Where are their parents ? Do they allow this kind of dangerous behavior ?--"

         "They have been leading peaceful walk-outs from Seoul Exceptional Academy. They aren't dangerous. The children just want change.--"

      There were mixed opinions. Some were concerned for the teens, some agreed that they had a right to be upset, & others just wanted the whole situation to go away.

          "What are we going to do once they make their move ?," Theo asked no one in particular. Everything was a matter of strategy. Jongseob spoke up. "That depends on them. We have no idea of what they will pull."

Call Of The Siren//A P1Harmony FF ✅Where stories live. Discover now