crulest thing you can do to someone

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If you want to make someone suffer, here are some steps

Step 1:
Get a hollow chocolate thing, like a chocolate bunny

Step 2:
Cut open a small hole in the bottom

Step 3:
Get the person you're giving to, least favorite condiment or the one they hate/can't stand

Step 4:
Put the condiment in the chocolate thing

Step 4:
If you can, close it back up and put the wrapper back on. If you can't close it, just put it back in the wrapper

Step 5:
Give it to the person

How do I know about this you may ask. Well, a few years ago on Easter I had this happen to me, I realized that their was fucking disgusting mustard in it because of the opening on the bottom. But they instead on me taking a bite. WORST FUCKING EASTER EVER, actually the rest of that day was fun XD

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