I'm Safe Now, Right?

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Sans' Pov:

A nurse came in and checked on me shortly after I woke up.

"Before I Leave, Would You Like The Tv On?"

"Yes please."

The nurse gave me the remote to the tv and left. I turned on the tv and the first thing that was on was the news.

"As was can see here, Dr. W.D.Gaster is being arrested for sexual and physical abuse." The tv then showed sir getting handcuffed and dragged out of our house.

I then heard a yawn coming from the direction of Grillby.

"Morning sleepy head."

"Sans? You're Up?"


Grillby looked at the tv, "Papyrus Told Us What He Did To You."


"But, Let's Not Talk About That Now."

I looked back at the tv and looked at sir's face.

"I'm safe now, right?"

"Of Course, You're Here Now. And You're Safe."

"With Me."

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