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The video is the art of folkloric dance! It's beautiful...
One week later


Today we are going to the beach... I have the ring in my bag.... everything is going how I planned it ...

Jefferson POV

The plan is finally going to start.... I have the ring in my pocket ....


Jefferson and Y/N head to the beach... it all starts normal ... eating some food.. playing in the water ... the moment came.. at least for Jefferson...Y/N turned to the water... starring at it... looking at the views... Jefferson quickly got the ring out his pocket .. and then got on one knee...
" Y/N?" Y/N turned around... looking down and see the person infront of her... Jefferson was proposing... and Y/N was about to too..
" Y/N L/N I loved you-" but Y/N cuts him off..
" wait!" She says running to her bag.. Jefferson was confused ... she was digging around in her bag and then pulled out a small box ... and when she turned around she kneeled down too...
" okay well I guess we had the same thought ..."
She says laughing ...
" Great minds think alike.." he laughs....
"Okay you go first!" Y/N says ...
" okay well this wasn't how I expected it was gonna go but ... Y/N I have loved you for so long... but I never known how to put it in words .... so I'll just say it.. Y/N I love you so
Fucking much... and explaining it just makes my brain hurt ... when I got kidnapped.... I had a choice ... to kill you or me ... I chose me.. because I could never live without you.... Y/N I want to spend the rest of my life with you... for ever ... I want to have kids with you! Want to grow old with you... and we will... so what I'm trying to say ... Y/N L/N will you marry me?" At this point Y/N was in tears ... I mean who wouldn't be... a man pouring out his feelings .. that's like a one in a lifetime moment!
" of course!" She says kissing him ... he puts the ring on Y/N finger and then Y/N starts to talk ...
" like you said ... I imagined something way different... but now that we're here, it just seems meant to be .... Jefferson I loved you for so long... even when I was mad at you... I couldn't stop thinking about you.. not because I was mad ... because will couldn't imagine my life without you .... I would have done anything for you... gone through any pain... but I would never leave you.... Jefferson you are a smart ass but your my smart ass.... I loved you since the first day I ever saw you... even when we bumped into each other and I called you a dick... I still feel in love with you... your eyes... everything about you... just made my heart stop... Jefferson... will you marry me?" Now Jefferson was in tears but he wanted to hide it ..
" of course mi amour.." he says grabbing her face and kissing her .... she slipped the ring on his finger ... they were engaged! They continued to have their pinic ... it was amazing... they were so in love... and finally there were together .... forever ... officially.... they texted all their friends and everybody was so happy! Now the hard part ... the wedding .... they wanted something not to big.... they wanted it to be like a fairy tell... something to tell their kids about.... and to be honest they wanted their kids to be there ... they wanted their first born to be their flower girl/boy/person ... it would be perfect... so now they had a bigger plan... they needed to have a kid... and they needed to be at Least 3 or 4 ... so they can walk down the aisle.. Y/N wanted both of her parents to walk down the aisle .... because she left so early ... she wanted them to be there for one of the biggest moments in there life .. but that meant ... getting her mom from Mexico ... which was going to be hard ... the Schuyler sisters were gonna be Y/N bride mates ... and Madison, Alexander, lafeyette and John Lauren's for Jefferson's groom men's ... Y/N started to make a whole wedding planning book ... she was so deep in the work that she barely noticied Jefferson walking in and out the room ... she wanted a lavender dress.. that would later turn into a short white dress for when the has dinner .... they would have lavender flowers .... she could already imagine it! She wanted a bare cake! With some flowers ( I'll include images at the end btw ) and then she could change into a  folkloric dress and dance ... it was going to be amazing .... she couldn't wait for the day!

Mi amor ( Thomas Jefferson x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now