Part 1

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Jungkook was in an especially sour mood tonight, the pounding of the music doing nothing to lighten his demeanor. He wanted nothing more than to return home to his estate, but he was currently in the middle of a meeting with the club owner, going about discussions on loaning the poor man some money and in return Jungkook and his men can sell their goods here. It was nothing new to Jungkook's agenda, and frankly he should've just sent some men out to deal with it in his stead. But his right hand man, Namjoon, told him it was best for him to make the deal in person. Something about good impressions and needing to get out of the house.

He sighed, listening to the man beg and plead for some extra cash. Downing the last of the whiskey he'd been nursing the past 10 minutes, he placed it on the table in front of the owner and gave him a tight smile. "You got yourself a deal. I'll have my accountant wire you the money, expect to see more of us here." Jungkook stood, straightening himself up as the man thanked him profusely. Giving him a curt nod, he then excused himself from the meeting and made his way out from the VIP section. "I still don't understand why I needed to make the deal myself." He grumbled as Namjoon caught up to him.

"Because Jungkook, you need to start solidifying your relationships with other businesses. You've spent so long in that damn house people are beginning to question their loyalty" He explained as they made their way down the stairs and into the main dancing area. "Besides, thought you might want to get out and I don't know, find someone to let your frustrations out."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at that statement. "I've told you before Namjoon, I'm not in the mood for a woman-" He was cut off by someone bumping into him, he quickly turned his head to see you also turn to look at him.

He watched as your eyes checked him up and down, "Sorry." You said with a smirk on your lips before another man with peach colored hair pulled you away and towards the bar. Jungkook stood there and kept his eyes on you as you ordered a fruity drink alongside your friend as the two of you laugh and giggle.

"Perhaps you're not in the mood for a woman," Namjoon mused from beside him. "Maybe you want a man instead?" He raised his eyebrows at him, causing Jungkook to roll his eyes at the elder.

"I'll be home late," he muttered as he straightened out his jacket. He was right however, Jungkook was frustrated and needed someone to take it out on. And there way you looked at him gave him more than enough reasoning to tell him that you were more than willing to be that man.

Namjoon gave him a slap on the shoulder as he made his way over to you at the bar. You were facing away from him, but your friend however was looking right at him. He watched as your friend whispered something in your ear before stalking off in another direction. He must've made you aware of his presence because soon as he was a single step away from you, you turned to face him.

"Hello there," you again shamelessly checked him out. Jungkook was no better, drinking in your form. You must've returned from dancing as your face was flushed and covered in a sheen layer of sweat, causing you to glow in the lowlighting of the club. You radiated confidence, perhaps it was spurred on by the alcohol you undoubtedly consumed tonight, but there was something just behind your eyes that he couldn't place. And he was going to find out.

"Good evening," he said, leaning on the bar next to you. He kept his eyes trained on you as you bit your lip and scooted closer to him. "What's a pretty boy like you doing out here?"

"Just having a night out, what about you handsome? What are you doing?" You purr, your hand tracing up the lapels of his suit jacket. He watched as your hand danced around his chest.

"Just finishing up some business. However, I'm thinking about. . . other plans." he admitted as his hand found your waist. But before he could tug you in, you pushed his hand away. Jungkook barely had enough time to register what you had done before leaning forward.

"Dance with me," your breath was hot against his skin. You pressed a quick and teasing kiss to the shell of his ear before you pulled away. Your eyes were dark and against his better judgement, he followed you towards the dance floor.

The once blaringly annoying music turned into a sultry beat to which had him pulling your back to his front. He heard you let out a surprised gasp but you leaned into his touch, grinding against him. Jungkook let out a soft groan as the two of you danced and moved to the beat of the music. He let his hands roam the sides of your body, your hands reaching behind him to mess up his hair. The more you ground your ass against him the harder he could feel himself getting, and he knew that you could tell.

You spun around to face him, hands now on his shoulders and tracing down against his chest. Without thinking, he placed his thigh between your legs, feeling your hard bulge against him. You let out a strangled moan, resting your head against him. Jungkook's hands slowly fell to your ass and started to move your hips against him. A smirk tugged on his lips as your fists closed around his suit jacket, whimpering as you worked yourself against his thigh. Jungkook lowered his face to your ear, but before he could even get a word out-

"Y/N-ieeeee," the pink haired guy from earlier threw himself on to you and pulled you away from him. "I'm -hic- tirrred." He slurred as he clung to you. You had a pained expression on your face, clearly not wanting to leave your friend alone. Before you could even muster out an excuse, Jungkook held up a hand to silence you.

"It's okay," he said. "Perhaps another time." The way he said it was hopeful but he knew better then seeing a random stranger again. The city was huge and it was very unlikely they'd run into each other again, especially with Jungkook's history. You gave him a weak smile and said thanks before escorting your friend out from the dance floor and out of the club. He kept his eyes on you as you disappeared into the crowd and let out sigh.

He fished his phone out from his pocket and stepped away from the hoards of people and towards the back alley exit. Once away from the loud noises he quickly selected Namjoon's number, telling him to send the car back around.

"Did you even listen to what I said?" His friend said from the other side of the line.

"I tried but we got. . .interrupted. Just hurry up alright, the music is getting annoying." He then promptly hung up the phone. "Y/N. . .nice name. . ."

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