Part 6

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Two weeks. That's how long it's been since you were attacked and Jungkook told you the reason why you were attacked. Because of him. Because he was in the mafia.

When you woke up the morning after you were alone. You barely had time to even take in any details before your brain caught up with the pain that shot through your torso. The pain reminds you of what happened: the date, the kiss, the attack, your blond savior, Jungkook- Jungkook! You immediately sit up, biting through the pain of your gut. Before you could even do anything else, the door to the room swung open. You watched as a tall man with dark hair walked in with a tray of food in his hands.

"Oh, you're awake." He sounded genuinely surprised at the notion as he walked over to the bed where you laid. He walked so quickly he caused a small breeze to hit you, the cool air brushing against your skin- Wait your skin, you glanced down to suddenly be aware that you weren't wearing the clothes you wore last night. With the stranger in the room, you immediately took the satin sheet that pooled at your waist up to at least give yourself some semblance of modesty.

"Who are you? Where am I?" You croaked, your voice groggy from sleep and the amount of crying you did.

"My name is Jin, I'm a friend of Jungkook. You're at his estate." He answered as he placed the tray next to you on the bed. "Thought you might be hungry when you woke up, although I thought that wouldn't be for a few more hours-"

"Where's Jungkook?" You cut him off, you remember last night he said he would tell you what was going on. It was in that moment, somewhere off in the house a loud scream was heard and you stiffened.

"He's. . .busy at the moment. . ." Jin smiled at you, no doubt in an attempt to keep you calm. Only it made you even more anxious. You were practically naked in a place you don't know, with a man you don't know, and someone in the house is being tortured. "I can go get him if you want?"

Your body acts on its own accord and nods, to which Jin says he'll be right back and tells you to eat some of the food. Once he left the room, you let the sheet fall back down with a sigh. Turning your attention to the food tray, you take in what was offered. There was a fresh glass of orange juice, a couple slices of buttered toast, then a small bowl of peach slices. Something itches at the back of your brain, telling you that it could be poisoned but that wouldn't make sense. The way Jungkook acted last night. . . he wouldn't do that, you trust him. Fork in hand, you take a stab at a peach slide and bring it to your lips. Letting the sweet fruit dance dance along your tongue. You silently nibble at the food for a few minutes when the door opens again and there's disheveled Jungkook. He's wearing the slacks and the shirt he wore form last night, only they're wrinkled from sleep. But what catches you off guard is the rag in his hands, wiping away red substance from his hands. Blood.

He's silent as he places the rag on the dresser as he slowly makes his way over to you on the bed. "How are you feeling?" His eyes are locked on your torso, you follow his gaze and finally see the cause of your pain. There's a large bruise on the side of your stomach where your attacker kicked you repeatedly. Quickly, you took the sheet again and covered your torso.

"Fine," you shallowly answered.

Jungkook slowly approached the bed, trying his best not to startle you with any quick actions. Jin must've told him you heard the scream so he was acting extra precautious. You didn't move as he seated himself beside you, watching him as he gently moved the tray down toward the foot of the bed. Neither of you said anything, only studying each other. Your eyes dragged him up and down; his hair was a mess, there were bags under his eyes, and when your eyes fell on his knuckles you sucked in a breath. They were bruised, and lightly stained with blood but there were no open cuts. Meaning that it wasn't his blood. You don't know if that made you feel better or worse.

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