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Deku's pov

It's my first day of college and I'm a music major! We have dorms, I'm bringing my boxes up now, my boyfriend is helping me bring them. I get to the dorm and IT'S HUGE! You walk into the living room and kitchen area on your left down the hallway is the bathroom and off the living room there's two bedrooms. "Hey todo look I got a roommate!" I say while putting down a box in the second room. "That's great Mido." he says sitting on the bed. We unpack all my stuff and the whole time todo's on his phone. 

"Hey, who have you been texting this whole time?" I ask while putting the last shirt in the drawer. He freezes for a second "Just my brother don't worry." He says quickly, putting his phone in his pocket. *that's weird* "Ok." Todo isn't my soulmate but we both really like each other and decided that we didn't care about our soulmates.I haven't even talked to my soulmate before, he tried to talk to me once but I didn't really answer. We sit for about an hour and he leaves. "He was acting weird all day, I wonder what's going on." 

I go into the kitchen and start boiling some water for tea. "I wonder where my roommate is?" I sit on the couch with my tea and go on my phone when I hear the door open. I look over and a tall, gorgeous, blond walks in. "Uh-um Hi. You must be my roommate?" He looks me up and down and I can feel my face heat up a little. "Ya that's me. What's your name nerd?" He says while going into his room. I follow him into the doorway "I'm Izuku Midoriya" I say smiling. "Katsuki Bakugou." He says blunty opening a box. "Uh want some tea?" I ask awkwardly. He shrugs "No thanks nerd." "Oh ok" I walk back into my room with my tea and start thinking about todoroki and how lately he's been really distant, and always on his phone. I get a little mad and do something I've never done before.

Italic= soulmate  Regular= Midoriya

*Uh hi?*

I hear a huge thud in the other room. "Hey bakugou, You ok?" I ask a little concerned "Ya nerd I'm fine leave me alone!" He yells from the other room. "Rude".


*Well we've never talked before so I thought I'd say hi.*

*Well I tried to talk to you but you ignored me."

"Damn he's rude too"

*Sorry it's just I have a boyfriend and we both agreed not to talk to our soulmates.*

*Then why are you talking to me? Did you guys break up?*

*No, we didn't he just pissed me off so I thought 'what the hell' ya know?*

*Damn what'd they do?*

*He ignored me all day and has been super distant lately and lied straight to my face today.*

*No offence but it sounds like you're dating an asshole.*

*Ya sometimes. Are you dating anyone?*

*No not at the moment I just got out of a 3 year relationship tho.*

"Oh shit 3 years damn"

*Damn did anything happen or did you guys just lose feelings? 3 years is a long time.*

*Ya me and her just decided we would be better as friends.*

"Shit is he straight?"

*At least you guys ended on good terms. Can I ask a question?*


*Um are you straight? Because I'm a boy.*

I can hear him laugh.

*No i'm not straight i'm bi, it would be shit if i was straight tho huh?*

I blush a little

*Ya it would.*

*Well I got school tomorrow so i'm gonna go to sleep.*

I look at the clock on my wall. "It's only 8 tho."

*Ok goodnight I hope you have a good day tomorrow.*


That night I went to bed with a smile.

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