★~Chapter 1: Origin~★

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It was a late evening. Streetlights lit up the park and the moon lit the center. It was cold, but warm, the lights keeping warmth in the air. There was not an ounce of sound other than the wind and some cars whoosing by... until out of nowhere, a song began to play, a waltz. It echoed through the air as the streetlights dimmed and the moolight shone brighter.. lighting the center of the park like a spotlight. The song grew louder, a lovely melody playing. A waltz, a Royal Waltz. And just as expected, a pair came to dance that waltz, and so they did. Elegantly and Gracefully, slowly and as if on air, they stepped to the waltz, wondering if they'd see each other again the next night.

★~Months Ago...~★

"Florian, are you awake?" A male voice called up, which was responded by a groan, shuffling and footsteps. "Good!" he smiled, brushing away his lavender purple bangs off his eyes. "Must I go..?Why can I not continue getting homeschooled?" Florian questioned, rubbing her eyes. "Mom and dad are busy enough Flower, you need to." He replied, a serious look on his face after changing from a happy-go-lucky look. "... Since it's for mom and dad then... I guess it's ok." She said, smiling slighty. "A-ta girl! Now let's go. Don't worry about clothes, those should be fine. No uniforms rock!" He cheered, patting his sister on the back, bringing her along with him.

As they walked, people stared and whispered. Although her brother could hide it, Florian's anxiety acted up a bit. Was there something wrong with her clothes? Was her shirt too big? Was she still in her pajamas?? She turned to her brother for comfort, who placed a hand on one of her shoulder and gave her a reassuring thumbs up and smile. She smiled back and continued to walk, picking up her walking pace, to which the other noticed and quickly sped up after her.

The walk was continuous nagging of "Are you ok Flower?" and "You look pale, wanna head back?". Florian understood that her brother was worried, but she didn't mind what was happening. At least, she didn't until she got there. A large academy, Miracle Academy. It was big, there were students everywhere, her worst nightmare. Her brother quickly enough grasped her hand tightly, both as not to get separated and as comfort. They continued walking in til they saw something, someone. A girl, she seemed interested in Astrology and Stars going by her attire, and yet she was watering a small, budding flower. Florian's heart skipped a beat for a second. But why? She didn't even know the girl and yet... was this what they called 'Love at first sight?' no.. it was something else. She shook her head, walking away to get an assigned classroom to which she would stay in for most of her classes. 

She received her class number, locker number and schedule, and headed straight for her first class. Botany (I don't think that's a real subject in school but it is here!) , what luck! She was very fond of plants, hense her name and nickname. She quickly began speed walking to class before going in and noticing there was no one there, other than the girl from before. She looked around more... nope, no one. It was empty but nice. Florian cleared her throat to catch the other person's attention, to which they turned to look at her. "I-is this... Room 14?" She asked, double checking her schedule. "Mhm. Room 14, morning Botany." The other girl smiled, answering the question. Florian's heart fluttered again, but she ignored it. "You're early y'know haha" She laughed, looking at Florian. "Class doesn't start for another..." She turned to the clock on the wall quickly. "Fourty-ish minutes?" Florian's eyes went wide a little. "F-fourty minutes?" she questioned again, to which the other giggled again. "Yup. Though, that's not a bad thing! It's quiet in here in the early morning.. no noise to deal with, no worries to have about seating.."

The other girl continued on and on about the joy of being early in the morning before realizing she never introduced herself. "I'm Niko, Niko Le Cometa by the way, and you?" she asked. Florian froze for a second to comprehend. 'Niko... what a cute name..' she giggled to herself and spoke up. "My name is Florian, Florian Anohana, but a lot of people I know call me Flower.." She answered in a soft tone. Niko paused for a second, her smile growing wider. "Flower.. what a sweet name!" She said happily, causing Florian''s heart to almost burst. "U-uhm.. so.." Florian started, looking at the clock. Niko looked at it too and jumped. "Here, here sit down! Hurry!! People'll be here any minute and I don't want to be stuck beside some stupid gobshite haha" Niko laughed, patting the place beside her, to which Florian nodded and quickly sat next to her.

The two talked and laughed, sharing interests as they waited for the first bell to ring to show class was about to commence. "So you like Stars?" Florian asked, genuinly curious. "Mhm.. they're pretty, they're mysterious, I just love them." She smiled softly, looking up and the ceiling. "You like flowers, pretty fitting to be honest!" She said, looking Florian in the eyes. "O-oh y-yea.. but fitting..?" Florian questioned, a confused look painted her face. "Hm.. how do I phrase this without sounding weird..." She pondered for a moment but shrugged. "You seem delicate, like a flower's petal, and you're sweet like it's fragrance. Both personality wise and uhm.. smell wise haha-" she laughed awkwardly. Florian smiled and laughed a little. "My brother calls me delicate too. He says my feelings are delicate." Niko looked at her again. "Brother? That lavender haired guy you were with this morning?" Florian nodded. "His name is Shida Anohana." Niko nodded and smiled. "Y'know your hair colour is really nice." Niko smiled. "A nice, light violet." Florian's cheeks heated up at the words as she looked at the clock, trying to avoid making eye contact. "The bell'll ring any second now.. then a bunch of people will arrive.." Niko muttered, to which Florian turned to her. "You don't like crowds?" Florian asked, to which Niko nodded her head. "One to three.. maybe four people are ok, but huge crowds just... scare me I guess." She rubbed the back of her neck, looking at Florian. "And you Florian? Do you like crowds?" she asked. "No.. not at all. I guess they just make me nervous.." Florian said. "But, like you, a few people are ok. Oh and.. you can call me Flower if you'd like." She smiled. Niko's eyes lit up. "Ok then, Flower!" She said happily. Florian's face went red, but she just giggled.

Soon enough, the bell rang and students came pouring in. "We're lucky. This is the only seat that holds two people. Every other seat holds three or f-" "Ahem. This seat holds two people as well Comet." A male voice came from behind them. "Onix is right dude, this seat holds two people too. New friend though?! Introduce me Comet cmon!!!" A female voice chirped. Niko turned around, facing a blonde haired female and a male with light indigo hair. "Lol I mean sure but like this is  the best seat." Niko smiled. "Anyways, Flower, these two c h i l d r e n are Elli and Onix, friends of mine." Florian nodded her head as the teacher came in. "She's very pretty Niko, seems nice too!" Elli smiled. "She is." Niko whispered in response.

Class started and the room fell silent, a new friendship just blossomed it seems!

★~Chapter 1 End.~★

Hey there! Niko here. I hope you enjoyed this! I really loved writing this since I've had the idea for so long! I adore my two little children <Not literal children> and I hope you find it to yourself to love them too! Still, hope you enjoyed it, I'll try update as much as possible along with Weirdness, Randomness and Yaoi, It's the Thought that Counts and a few more! But on that note, I hope you had a good day or night! >.O

Waltz under the Moonlight.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें