★~Chapter 2: Fields of Green~★

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Another day, she waits again, in fields of green beneath the light, beside the lake where the moon shines bright, for the one who dances through the night, and in moments within her site there they are, the masquerader of the dark and in the dead of night, coming over the hills from far away, skipping along to the beat of the song, playing silently as the night goes along.

★~Months ago...~★

Florian awoke without her brother's irritating wake up call today. No shaking, no shouting to get up, no loud music in her ear, it was a dream come true but she was actually awake! And this time, it was HER turn to wake Shida today. She walked to his room, knocking on his door to check if he was awake first before entering. "Shida? You up?" She asked, enterting the room. "No. No I'm not." A voice said from under the duvet of the bed. "Oh ok, then I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this." She had a smug look on her face as she sat on the bed's duvet, where her brother was hiding under. "OI HEY HEY GET OFF FLOWER I CAN't BREATHE-" Her brother cried, muffled by the thick blanket. Florian just burst out laughing as she got down, hands behind her back as she smiled an innocent smile. "Good morning dear brother." She said, earning an unimpressed look from her sibling. "But why though?" He asked, earning a laugh. "Revenge of course!" She smilled happily, turning and walking out of the room. "Now make yourself presentable for school please." She sighed, closing his door behind her and heading downstairs for breakfast.

As they walked to school, their conversastion was still the same, "Are you ok?" "Need some water?" "You look sick wanna go home?" and as per-usual, Florian simply shook her head. It wasn't just at this school this happened. Whenever they went out and about for walks or to go somewhere Florian would tense up, get stomach aches, look sickly pale, and today was no different. Though the whispering stopped, there was still a snicker or two. "Don't let em bother you." Her brother whispered to her, "They're just assholes." He sighed, taking Florian's hand as he began to speed walk.

They walked into the school building, her brother asking her one more time if she was ok going off on her own, which she just responded with by saying yes and going on without him. She didn't even notice the stares of other people, probably about her unnatural hair colour. A light Violet, definetly not normal. But then again, there was someone with light Indigo hair so she couldn't really question it. She remembered being asked in a park if her hair was dyed when she was little, but her older brother told them it was their natural hair colour. Of course, the person didn't believe him for a second until he actually showed them a picture. She couldn't forget the surprised look on their face when they saw. She was still lost in her memories when she entered her base class, sitting where she sat the day prior, not even noticing her 'friend' sitting next to her. "G'mornin' Flower!" She smiled, greeting the other, knocking her out of her trance. "Oh uh good morning Niko.." Florian greeted, although hesitant at first.

Florian stared at the clock, zoning out for quite a bit, not hearing the bell ring to comence class. "Florian.." She continued to zone out til a shadow blocked her vision. "Ahem. Miss Anohana?" The teacher was standing in front of her now, an angry look on their face. "Might I ask what you are doing?" Their face was dark and sinister, causing Florian's stomach to flip, almost causing her to gag a bit. "N-Nothing I was just.." Her hand covered her mouth. Her stomach began to pain and her head hurt from pressure. "May I take her to the nurse? She's unnaturally pale." Niko offered, most likely noticing Florian's pale complexion. The teacher merely nodded as Niko rose from her seat, helping Florian stand up too.

The two stepped out into the hallway and Niko guided to the other to the bathroom, where Florian proceeded to throw up. "There, there.. Are you ok..?" She asked, holding back some of Florian's hair as not to get puke on it. "I'm-" She was cut off by another round of throwing up, along with a few coughs. "I'm fine.." She said, getting some toilet paper and wiping her mouth. "I'm sorry.." She mumbled, her voice almost inaudible. "Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." The other said in a caring tone, like a mother to an infant. Florian finished, shakily standing up as she tried to steady herself, her legs trembling. How long had it been since she had thrown up like that? 3 months maybe? She couldn't recall. "Feel better?" Niko asked, taking one of Florian's arms and wrapping it around her shoulder, helping her to walk. Florian just nooded. She didn't have the strength to speak. Niko sighed and stepped forward, Florian following the movement the best she could.

They walked for a bit before Florian noticed they weren't heading to the Nurse, nor the classroom. Were they leaving the school? Florian shot a confused look at Niko, who just smiled softly. "Don't worry." She said, walking further from the school. "We'll be back before lunch." They continued walking til Florian spotted something. Grass, a field? Why were they headed for a field? She shot abother confused look at the person next to her, who just continued walking. They stopped for a moment, standing on a small slope at the top of the field. "The air here is fresh, you should relax a bit and let your body calm down." Niko said, staring up. "You were really tense back there, that's why you threw up right?" She asked, still studying the clouds. Florian looked away at the ground, still nodding in the process. Niko lifted Florian's arm over her head, but still held the other up as she began lowering both of them. "Take a deep breath, it's better not to be so tense after all that." she said, proceeding to lie on her back as she stared at the clouds. Florian did just that, she took a deep inhale in, held it for 5 seconds, and then exhaled before lying down as well. "This field is my happy place." The other began. "I came here with my protecter when I was really little. We'd play and sing here all the time." A smile formed on her face, though it soon began to quiver as tears silently rolled down her cheeks. "We'd dance and talk here.. until she went missing" She said, her voice shaky. "She'd grab my hands and lift me into the air as we swung around." She continued to talk as if she was alone, with no one else there. "If I could reverse time," She muttered, "I damn well would've."

She stood up, her tears coming to a halt as Florian stood too. She turned to face the other, took a deep inhale and then held out her hand. "Might I have this dance?" She asked, a soft smile painting her features. Florian didn't know how to react, but she decided that if it'll help the other, she will. She placed her hand in the others as they stood close to each other. It was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, it was nice. They started their steps, a peaceful waltz around the field, the wind brushing against their faces. Florian had a hand intertwined with the others, and another on her shoulder. Niko had a hand intertwined with Florian's, another resting on her waist. "Thank you." She said quietly, still stepping to the song playing in her head. "For what?" Florian asked, opening her eyes slightly as they had been closed. "For having this dance with me." Niko practically whispered as her eyes stayed shut, and Florian closed her's again. "I'm happy to." She smiled to herself, enjoying the silence that followed the short conversastion. It was a comfortable silence that encouraged them to continue waltzing against the wind. Neither wanted the dance to end, because they knew once it did, they'd go back to their normal lives, one filled with fear, and the other filled with emptiness. Both wanted to stay like this, in their own worlds, but both knew they'd have to go back soon. And that time came much too early for their liking.

★~End of Chapter 2~★

Waltz under the Moonlight.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ