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Swae POV
Afterwards I ended the ustream and all my social networks blew up. I didn't care about anything at the moment except getting Yn to stay the night because Jimmy's at a party and probably gonna be there till the morning...

"Ynnnn" I say.

"Whaaaat" she says in a tired tone. she say next to me and I put my arm around her.

"Can you pleaseee spend the night with me?!" I ask. "I'll even call my brother to make sure it's fine with him" I add in.

"I'll call my brother. hold up" she gets up and goes to the side. I go up to my room.

I called Kamari 15 times and each time it went straight to voicemail. Where the hell could he be?! I go upstairs to find Khalif.

"Yo! My brother won't pick up!" We yelled at the same time.

"Can you drive me home really fast!" I yell.

"Sure, come on" he says. we both rush downstairs. I grab my phone and toss him his keys as we leave out the door.

Kamari POV
I really fucked up. The party got shut down by the police and now I'm in jail. I don't even remember how I got here and why we're in here. Jimmy is here too and some girl we were with. I just hope Yn is ok with swae.

"Excuse me, You're Kamari right?" An officer came up to me and asked.

"Yes sir" I answered quickly.

"We'd like to ask you and Aaquil some questions so come on" he said while unlocking the cell to let us both out. He led us somewhere and we both sat down at a table.

"Alright. First question, do you guys know exactly why you're here?" The officer asked us.

"No sir" we said in unison. I had a feeling something bad was about to happen.

"That guy you were with is a criminal. He's committed the most crimes in history-" the officer started.

"Woah woah. I think you have the wrong person, we were with a girl" Jimmy interrupted.

"No. 'She' was born a man. I don't know what you two did with him but I hope you've learn your lesson" he said. I almost threw up. It made me sick to my stomach that I let a guy... suck my dick.

"So we still in trouble?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't know what type of relations you have with him and we I haven't got back enough information. So that means you'll be in the holding until somebody comes to pick you up"

"Well can we call somebody?" I ask.

"Yeah sure come on"

I arrive at my house and the police were leaving... That could only mean one thing...!Kamari had a party behind my back. Wow.

"You live here?" Swae asks.

"Uhh yeah" I answer.

"My brother was here with our nigga Kamari and I believe they had a party. So how you know Kamari?"

"That's my brother" I say while i open the door to bottles and trash all over the place. There's no way anybody could clean this alone and where the hell is Kamari. When I find him I swear I'm going to kill him. Khalif was about to say something but both our phones had rang. I usually don't answer unknown numbers but something was telling me too.

"Hello? Who's is this"

"YN! Please do not hang up. I fucking love you to death and you know this and I'm so sorry. I don't even know how or why I'm here. I had that party and I know you ain't want me to but I went against that and I'm sorry!"

"Kamari?! Where the hell are you?"


"You disgust me" I said while hanging up

End Of Convo⚡️

Swae POV
Yn had hung up the phone pissed off as fuck. After I got off I figured out Jimmy was in jail and I was guessing Kamari was too. Yn had came back downstairs with a big suitcase, hopefully she was moving in with me. I watched we struggle with it as she walked out the door and even grabbed her ass a couple of times. As we got back to the car I opened the door for her and she threw it in.

"Thanks a lot for all your help Khalif😑"

"Anytime baby😉"

Kamari POV
Yn had hung up on me and I wasn't able to even tell her what happened. But I'm really hoping she was on the way. After about 10 minutes I saw an officer leading her and Khalif in. THANK GOD!!

"What a relief!" I cheer as the officer opened the door up. I was following behind Jimmy until I got thrown back into the cell by the officer.

"What the hell yo?!" I yell.

"You aren't going any where" The officer stated.

"Fuck you mean I ain't going no where?!" I was furious at this point.

"Look Kamari chill. Jimmy didn't have a bail has high as yours. I don't know why but umm yeah" Swae said.

"The house was in his name and we found drugs in one of the rooms. Then he has a criminal back ground of 3 rapes and a murder" The officer told Khalif. I looked at Yn but she looked away. I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Excuse me ma'am, do you know him?" The officer asked Yn.

"Nope" she answered quickly.


"Ma'am are you sure you don't know this man?" He asked once again. She shook her head no and I punched the wall. The officer left.

"Yn come on that's your brother" Khalif and Aaquil stated. They'd probably find some crazy way to bail me out later but I still can't believe Yn is acting like this.

"Sorry I didn't know I had a brother. I thought I was the only child.. only way to find out is ask my mom.. oh wait.. she's dead" Yn said as she left. I can't believe she just...... Tears formed in my eyes but I ain't let them fall. I haven't cried I'm so many years, what I look like crying now and I'm in jail? I dapped up Jimmy and Swae before they left.

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