At Home

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When I was at home I took a quick shower and then flopped onto my bed after that long day. I took out my phone and started staring at the number that Robert had gave me. I thought to myself ' should I call him right now? you know what, I'm gonna call him later. ' Before I could even put my phone away, my annoying little brother Troy ( I'm sorry if your name is Troy ) slamed my door open and asked me to play with him because he was bored. He caught me staring at Robert's number and immediateley shouted ' Mom, Sarah has a boyfriend!!! ' Luckily my mom was in her room so she could'nt hear him.

I quicky covered Troy's mouth and said ' Listen, I don't have a boyfriend, okay? this is only my friend's phone number. And yes he is a guy BUT he is not my boyfriend. ' . I took my hands off Troy's mouth and Troy said, ' Fine, I belive you. But if I find out that you're dating this guy, I'm telling mom, okay? ' Then and said, ' Fine! ' . Man I want to punch him so bad!

Robert's POV

Finally! I finished editing my video! But i'm feeling kinda bored. Should I call Sarah? I hope she's free right now. I'm gonna call her right now.


A few hours later, my phone started ringing. It must be Robert! I looked at my phone I screamed ' It's Robert! ' I quicky answered the call. ' Wanna hang out? I'm feeling kinda bored right now. ' said Robert. I said ' Yeah, sure. I'm actually free right now, so where should we meet? ' ' we could meet at the park around... 5:00. Is that okay with you? ' said Robert. I said ' Yeah, seems okay to me! I'll see you there. ' Robert said ' okay, I'll see you there too, bye! ' I said ' okay, bye! ' .

Robert's POV

Since we're going to the park together, I might as well confess my feelings for her. I better not mess this up. I'm gonna wear something nice.


Okay, I better act normal, just don't be nervous and say weird stuff. But since it's only the two of us, should I confess my feelings for him? maybe I should, I better not mess this up! Okay, I better change my clothes right now, I don't want to look like I just came out of a garbage can in front of him.

My writing skill is garbage

A RobertIdk love storyWhere stories live. Discover now