The Park

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After changing my clothes, I looked at the time and it was 4:50 p.m. ' Oh shoot, I have only ten minutes to reach there! I better start leaving the house now! ' I came out of my room and walked to the door. Before I could reach the door knob, Troy stopped me and said ' where are going, you better not be going on a date! ' Then I told him ' Of course i'm not! I'm just gonna hang out with my friend at the park. ' then Troy said ' are you going to hang out with that Robert guy? ' then I said ' Yeah, what does that have to do with you? ' he said ' You better not be dating him or I'm going to tell mom! ' .

At this point I just wanted to punch him in the face, but I can't! Then Troy let me go out of the house. ' Man, what's wrong with him, what's wrong with having a boyfriend first of all?! ' I did'nt wanted to think too much about it. I looked at my watch and it was 5:55 p.m. ! I quickly ran to the park. At last I finally reached the park. Luckily I was'nt late it was only 5:58 p.m. when I reached there.

Robert's POV

I finally reached the park and saw Sarah standing there waiting for me. I quicky ran towards her and said ' I hope I did'nt keep you waiting for too long. ' Then she said ' Oh, no you did'nt, by the way I just reached here.' I said ' Oh, great! ' 


He's here! I better not mess this up. We started walking in the park it was really fun talking to him.

( Time skip, I'm too lazy to write every detail )

After having a really long conversation, Robert said ' Sarah, I need you to tell you something ' . He looked nervous when he said that. And I said, ' What is it? ' . Then he nervously said, ' I like you. ' The moment he said that, I froze. I thought to myself ' Is this real, I like him too! ' Then I hugged him tightly and said ' I like you too! ' .

Robert's POV

When the moment I asked her this question, I was so so so nervous hoping that she would feel the same way. She froze for a moment, and then she hugged me tightly and said ' I like you too! ' then I said, ' oh, wow you're really soft haha ' Then we both locked eyes and kissed. Her eyes was the most beautiful thing ever. Kissing her was the best thing that had ever happened in my life.


His soft lips kissings me was the nicest feeling ever, this is like a dream come true. We made out for almost a minute and left the park Robert walked me home holding my hand. When we reached my house I kissed him one last time ( onee last timeee I need to be the one who takes you homeee, hehe ariana grande refrences ) and said bye and walked in my house.

Robert's POV

This is literaly the best day of my life! I can't wait to meet her again.

Okay, this is the end of my cringy story, hopefully i would'nt write stuff which is cringy like this again, and yeah BYE....

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