The Day Misaw Returned○° (2)

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"M-misaw?" Gerald said with shock and relief on his face. "Is it real-"

"M-MY....." Macy interrupted. She had so much happiness and relief in her now teary eyes  "MY MISAWWWWWW, YOU'VE RETURNED!"

Macy was going to cuddle with the cat but was stopped by James pulling her oversized shirt. Macy realizes this and gives a death stare to James. "What. are. you. DOING?" Macy asked James. James then replied, "Just look at Misaw" all of them observed the cat and... it was unusual, Misaw wasn't dirty, wasn't hurt, he even looked like he gained some weight! The 3 looked at each other with even more questions in their heads resulting in a long silence

"Well, no use asking questions right? All we know is that he is here, he is healthy and he is safe. " Gerald said breaking the silence all while approaching the cat who was still at the window. "Now it is our duty to make up for our lost time together"

The other two decided to go with it as they agree that that is the best thing to do in this situation and approached Misaw who is now being held by Gerald. Macy notices James's sigh of relief

"Hohoho...," Macy giggled looking at James "When we were arguing, you seemed to not care about dear Misaw at all!" "Well I-I" James says while trying to avoid looking at Macy. Macy giggles even more and says, "C'mon just admit it alread-" James stops Macy by loudly clearing his throat, he has a slightly serious look on his face but is still avoiding looking at Macy "I-I only care for him a little bit" he says

"So thats a little bit huh" Macy says while pointing at James holding Misaw like a baby in his arms and he was even rocking the cat. James then realizes and shows a faint blush of embarrasment and immediately gives the cat to Macy. They all end up laughing together but thought at the same time......

Where did he go to?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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