Daniel In Cobra Kai

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The next day in the afternoon and after school,

Daniel joins Johnny in their Cobra Kai's dojo class.

"Hello, Mr. John Kreese sir! I'm Daniel LaRusso and Johnny brought me here so I can learn to fight" Daniel sternly said to John Kreese in attention.

"Hello there Mr. Daniel LaRusso, welcome to the class and I will learn to address you as Mr. LaRusso, so fall in" John Kreese sternly said back to Daniel.

Daniel does the punching drills as his first boyfriend Johnny leads the dojo's warmup.

Daniel learns to fight tougher on his first day of his dojo lessons.

"Good job" Daniel, your improving well" Johnny said to Daniel.

"Thanks Johnny" Daniel only says as he's concentrating on his new fighting skills.

Two historically dressed figures come to the dojo.

"Sorry sir, we don't want to interrupt your young people's fighting and all but please let there be a priest to take part of your Cobra Kai place and that's what it is called right? I just read clearly outside that it did say Cobra Kai" Father Beocca first said to the karate sensei.

"Yes, come in, ah, interesting, we don't have a priest in need but yes father we could use a priest like you" John Kreese said to Father Beocca.

"I'd like to introduce myself as Father Beocca and this is King Alfred and we are from The west Saxons of Wessex in England" Father Beocca introduced to John Kreese.

"Hello there Father Beocca and King Alfred, please make yourselves at home here" John Kreese said to Beocca and King Alfred.

"Everyone, all of my students! We got some unique visitors who want to be apart of our Cobra Kai, this is Father Beocca and King Alfred" John Kreese announced to his students as they all sat down in attention.

"I got a wife that will join me here and oh she's in right now, this is queen Aahlswith" Alfred announced to everyone else and to John Kreese.

"Nice to meet you Aahlswith, I'm the sensei of this dojo called Cobra Kai I'm Mr. John Kreese, my queen" John Kreese said as he bowed down in a respectable manner.

"Hello there sir, it's time to start this new karate kingdom" Aahlswith said to John Kreese.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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