Chapter 6 - Trouble

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Clay's POV:
"Hey don't you think they've been gone for a while now?" I asked, interrupting George from talking.

"Yeah they've been gone for a bit," He agreed.

"Maybe I should go check on them. I'll see if they need anything," I offered.

"Yeah, okay. Yell for me if you need something," He said.

"Yep, will do," I complied as I walked down the long and dimly lit hallway. As I passed door after door, I noticed they were all open, before stopping at one that was closed. I lightly grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. It was locked. Why is the door locked?

I tried to open it once more, obviously to no avail because that's how a locked door works. I yelled for George to come down the hallway. He yelled back, telling me he was coming. Once he arrived to where I was, he tried to open it. He failed.

But George then remembered he had crafted an axe out of stone. It was sat in the kitchen of the home, waiting for use. I went to grab it, walking into the small area. It had a firm handle with a good grip. The blade was sharp and should work to break the door. I jogged back to the dense oak door and aligned the axe with the knob, hoping to break the lock to get inside. I raised the axe above my head and slammed down hard onto the doorknob. It broke with ease and the lock was now faulty, allowing us to go inside. George pulled open the door as I dropped the axe. Walking in, Nick and Y/N were nowhere to be found.

"Huh. This is odd. They should've been in this room since all of the other doors I had already checked," I announced.

"Hmm..Maybe we should check the back door? They could've gone outside," George suggested.

"Oh. Yeah, maybe. I hadn't thought of that," I said, beginning to walk to the back door George had installed. Slowing to a stop, I noticed the back door had been opened.

"George!" I yelled, as he was a little behind me in the hall.

"Yeah?" He shouted back.

"The door is open."

"It is?"

"Yep," I said, George was now with me.

"Well let's check outside then," He decided.

"Ok, let's go." We pushed open the door a bit more and didn't seem them anywhere. Stepping out into the cool evening air, I realized they were gone.

"Clay..Do you think they left? Or something happened?" George asked, panic rising in his voice.

"No. I think they're fine. They probably just went out for fresh air," I reassured him. But even I didn't believe what I was saying.

"Hey look! There's footprints!" George exclaimed, pointing to the puddling mud on the ground.

"There are footprints.." I repeated, now gazing forwards, following the trail, "and they lead into the forest.."

"Should we follow them? They look like bigger footprints, maybe Nick's," George said.

"I'm not sure. It's almost nighttime and you said the night was dangerous," I reminded him.

"Yes, I know. But what if they need help? I swear I heard a faint scream come from that room when we were talking a bit ago," George told me.

"Well.." I paused, "..Then let's follow the footprints. But we'll need some protection."

"Ok, I've got that. Let's go back inside and we can get equipped," George urged. I followed him back inside, shutting the door quickly. We were going to have to be fast. Night was approaching rapidly and we needed to make sure Y/N and Nick were safe.

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