18 5 13

"Eastooon! Get your ass here!" I heard footsteps shuffling behind me as I continued to glare at the empty plastic container in front of me, " Yes Oli-" he paused and noticed my angry expression, and then he shifted his gaze to the box.

"Oh that, look I'm very sorry but you know how much I like it and we were all out so I had to go and buy some plus when I went there, they had a sale! and they were selling the family pack for half the price. It's not like I had a choice and when I came back home I was so hungry and I couldn't help myself, so I finished it" he looked down at his feet with a small blush on his cheeks.

I chuckled at his blabbering which soon turned into full-blown laughter, " Gosh! You talk so much, don't you?" I walked up to him and bulled at his red cheeks "It's okay, just save some  for me next time. You aren't the only one who likes hummus so much" He just growled and left to go to his den to continue working on his app.

I made my way to the coffee table where my old, worn-out laptop sat and resumed working on math worksheets for 5th graders. I had been wanting to become a teacher since I was a little girl but it didn't pay much and it would take up too much time so I tutored kids on the weekends instead while juggling two part-time jobs on the weekdays, it was hard to make time for everything but it brought in the money I needed for the rent and my loans. Although Ethan worked too, he only had one part-time job and he worked on alternate days because I had forced him to make time for his app. He was going places and I wanted to make sure that he had time to work towards that.

We had been dating for 2 years now, we met in college and he proposed to me last year in May but we mutually agreed to have one of those long engagements until we were in a better place financially and emotionally. We both didn't exactly come from well of families, I was an orphan whereas Easton came from a middle-class family of his mom and his 3 siblings.

"OLIVE! OLIIIIIIVEEEE!COME HERE FAAST!" I quickly got up and rushed to our bedroom where he was sitting on the edge of the bed "What happened? Why are you yelling like a mad man?" I sat next to him and he stood up " The investors called" suddenly my face was serious "What did they say?" I asked softly, afraid of what he might say. "They agreed to help with whatever is required to make the first prototype" I jumped up and threw myself into his arms.

" That's incredible! " he smiled but it wasn't one that reached his eyes, "What's wrong?" I asked him with a frown " They won't help with the rest of the shit, like the office space and getting other people and all that will cost something we can't afford " he was now frowning too, this start-up had been something he wanted for a very long time and I wasn't going to let him give up.

" Hey, hey look at me. We'll make it work okay? I can take up some extra shifts at work and maybe tutor a few more kids and we'll manage, you could cut down on the ridiculous amount of hummus and nachos too" This brought a slight smile to his face " But I don't want you to suffer because of me anymore, you already do so much and I don't want you to overwork yourself plus you're already so stressed" I scoffed at his stupid concerns.

" Who says I'm stressed? hmm? As of now, the only thing I care about is you and the start-up. This whole thing is not just you anymore, whatever happens, we'll face it together " He looked at me with an unreadable expression " I love you so much, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me " he kissed me softly and I kissed him back before pulling away to say " I love you too "

he then tugged on my shirt as our makeout session continued, " Not now Easton, I have to go take a shower " I tried to get out from under his body "you can shower after this, please we haven't done anything in ages" he looked at me with his so-called puppy-dog eyes " Its been 2 days" he was such a man, couldn't last 2 days without some sexual activity " well 2 days is too long" he removed his shirt and my eyes automatically landed on his chiseled abs which caused me to blush profusely. We had been doing this for two years and I still blushed every time I saw his bare chest.

Easton laughed at my expression and began trailing kisses from my neck to my chest " Okay fine but only once okay? I have to go buy stuff for the house after this too" he just nodded and continued kissing me while removing my shirt with his other hand.

Let's just say that we didn't stop any time soon and kept going for a couple of hours. so much for ' only once'.



omgeee this is the first chapter and I have no idea if it's good so feel free to leave a comment and I am all for feedback.

loads of love,


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