Chapter Seventeen: "Watching & Waiting"

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As Mark made his way quickly to the house, he heard Rodger ask aloud a little perplexed. "What the hell was that about?" Mark heard water slosh, but by that point he was sliding the glass door aside to enter the house. Going straight to the guest room, Mark removed a towel that he brought from his bag and began to dry himself. He was rattled and felt like going home before he ruined anything. David called his name from the glass door, but Mark didn't answer. He just removed his mask and dropped it into his bag before pressing the towel to his face. A soft knock came from the bedroom door, before David opened it and asked a little concerned. "Mark? You ok?" Mark lowered the towel from his face but didn't turn around. Taking a deep calming breath, he told him honestly. "Ya... I just... I'm sorry. I know he's one of your VIPs but..." David closed the door behind him as he stepped in with him. Walking over beside him, David softly said. "What happened?" Mark let his eyes drift to the floor before asking gently. "David... How long have you been doing things for Billy Goat?"

David took a seat on the edge of the bed, not carrying that he was soaking the comforter as he answered. "A while. I have a calendar around here somewhere with a record of everything I do. Why? Do you know him?" Mark exhaled heavily, still not looking directly at him when he replied. "Not him personally. But that woman... I've met her. And... Just be careful what you do around him. If he is anything like her... Just be careful." David crossed his arms, asking in a curious tone. "What do you mean?" Mark shrugged, mumbling out. "I have no proof or evidence. I just... I know how she treats her pet. And I'd hate for you to end up the same way. I only bring it up because of the way he spoke to Rodger. It was... Unsettling." David nodded a little to himself, then said in a cool voice. "Ya... I've noticed that myself. I try not to believe the rumors and judge people like that. Sometimes it is all just an act for fun. I thought it was just my own paranoia getting the better of me... but there is something about him that changes people."

Mark set his towel on his bag, finally looking David in the eyes as he said in a low but firm tone. "Just keep your distance from him. Like I said, I have no proof that he's like her... but the way he spoke to Rodger..." David uncrossed his arms to pat Mark's thigh, telling him comfortingly. "I hear ya. I'll be careful." Mark nodded, pulling out his casual clothes. David got up from the bed, stepping closer to chuckle over his shoulder lightly. "For a minute there, I thought you ran off because of me. I thought maybe I pushed you too far for a beginner." Mark scoffed, chuckling out through a blush. "It's not my first time doing things like that." David raised an eyebrow, prompting Mark to admit with a blushing smirk. "Spin the bottle in college. They agreed to flash us if we... kissed for them." David chuckled to himself, moving away as he admitted just as honestly. "Well. You're better at foreplay than most of the boys I've been with." David gave him a warm smile, then opened the door.

Just before stepping out though, David told him seriously. "Listen. I know you don't know me well... but if you ever need someone to talk to. You can always find me. So, if this woman or Billy Goat ever does something you didn't approve of... Come find me. One of my dad's is a cop." Mark glanced at him, unable to stop himself as he asked curiously. "How many dad's do you have?" David laughed, answering with a small shrug. "Two. I'm adopted." David took a single step out the door before leaning back to playfully state back. "And no. That doesn't count my Sugar Daddy that helps pay for all this." They shared a laugh, before David closed the door to give him privacy. Going to the bathroom, Mark got dressed and packed up his stuff. Glancing at his watch, he cursed a bit. It was a little past noon. Saying thank you and goodbye to David, he trotted out the door and out toward the gate as he fumbled to call an Uber on his phone. Reaching the gate, he opened it as a voice called out to him seriously. "Hey, Damien! Wait up!"

Mark stiffened, grabbing the hood of his light sweater to cover his face. Trying hard to hide his face, he answered in his deeper voice. "Ya?" Jogging up next to him, Rodger asked him a bit defensively. "Why did you do that?" Mark rolled his eyes but grumbled out. "Rodger, trust me. The guy was being-" Rodger grabbed his bicep firmly, snapping out. "That could have been my one shot to get a rich Master! You may not take this life seriously. But I do!" Mark tried to tug his arm out of his grip, snapping back as nicely as he could. "You can do better, Rodger. Money doesn't buy you happiness." Rodger scoffed, tightening his grip more as he bitterly stated back. "Maybe not. But you need it to survive. You do something like that again and I'll kick your fucking ass!" Mark turned his head a little, but kept the hood blocking his face as he sternly replied. "There is a difference between living and surviving. I'm sure one day you will learn that. Find someone who cares about you. Not someone who can pay for you."

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