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The Log to Begin All Logs

"What happened?" I asked.

"Um... IF got mad all of a sudden and threw her phone across the room..." Compa replied.

"But why?" I picked up the phone and read what was on the screen. I was prepared to throw the phone myself.

6:30 AM

It's quite early.

Trust me, I am normal. I'm not usually up this early. However, I felt the urge to wake up and wait. I have no idea why. All I know is that it'd be the perfect setup—

"For someone to barge in, eh?"

I looked up. Neptune was standing before me, in front of a broken wall.

"Nep, come on...that's the fourth wall this month."

"Good one! Jokes aside, come on, let's go! Another adventure time! Ready?"


"Too bad! Let's go."

Unfortunately, I had no say in the matter. The show must go on...or something.


A bush? I was dragged out of bed to marvel at a bush?

Also, Neptune is talking to it. Why? No idea. "Neptune, what are you doing?" No response. "Nep?" I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. No response. "Neptune." Nothing. "Nep-Nep." Not even a grunt. "Nep..." I muttered, kaying down on the ground. Insomnia calls...or something.


I woke up on my bed, suprisingly, to the sound of Neptune...softly singing? How is that possible? Doesn't she usually play games at this time? I looked up. The wall that she had crashed through was as good as new. I left my room and saw Neptune singing a sweet sound to little kids. When she finished, she said, "Now, little kids, next time, don't run away from your parents, okay?"

"Okay, miss! Thank you!" a kid said. The other kids gave their thanks and left the Basilicom.

I walked up to Neptune. "Hey...Neptune, are you sure they will be able to find their homes on their own?"

"Huh? Oh, don't worry, they usually do."

"Well, alright...usually? This is a common occurence?"

"That's hard to explain..."

Bonk. (From IF and Compa's room)

Neptune and I ran to their room. We peeked in and saw Compa wiping IF's phone with cloth. "What happened?" I asked.

"Um... IF got mad all of a sudden and threw her phone across the room..." Compa replied.

"But why?" She handed me the phone and I read what was on the screen. I was prepared to throw the phone myself. "This can't be... Sadist Zap is back in town..."

"Who?" Compa asked.

I looked up. "Really?"

"Doesn't ring a bell. Is he just you with a whip?"

I sighed. "I wish. He is a version of me that isn't one of my personalities, mind you, but he's also extremely crazy. Re:not my personality. He does have a whip, though. Super spiky hair, almost like a porcupine?"

"Oh! You mean the Lady Leecher."

I'd throw this phone if it was something inexpensive that didn't belong to anybody.  "Why is that his nickname..."

ZatG: Neptune (Revisited)Where stories live. Discover now