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Noire's Issue

What's wrong, Histoire?" I asked.

Histoire looked at us with gratitude. "There's been an emergency at Lastation's Basilicom, and Uni needs our help. Could you three go over there?"

10:00 AM

"IF, we should probably—"

"No! We have to stop him now!"

"How are we going to do that?"

"I don't know! But we have to do something, else all the women are going to have the worst day of their lives!"


"I don't care if you're not a woman! This is a big deal, let's go now!"

"Whatever. Let's go."


IF, Neptune and I had just left the Basilicom. Sadist Zap was already attacking a woman. Okay, not physically, but I'm pretty sure it'd become physical harassment very quickly. The woman was trying to back away, but S. Zap was cornering her.

I could've done a surprise attack.

I didn't.


S. Zap turned around, and the woman ran for her life.

"Hey! How are you? I was just...aw. You trickster."

"You should...stop harassing them."

"That'd be boring."

"Please stop."

"Hm...okay, I will, if you can beat me in a fight."

"Fine. First hit wins."

Half an hour passes. No hits are inflicted.

"That was unfortunate," S. Zap said, "It was fun, though. I'll leave Planeptune alone for now."

"Please don't harass women in the other nations."

"I'll leave women alone for now."

"Good. Until then."

"See you!" S. Zap walked away.

"That worked?" IF asked.

"He may be crazy, but he is a very negotiable man. Like me."



Neptune pleaded for pudding, so we made a detour to Pudding Blast. When we got back, we saw Histoire moving frantically around the Basilicom, almost like there was an emergency. "What's wrong, Histoire?" I asked.

Histoire looked at us with gratitude. "There's been an emergency at Lastation's Basilicom, and Uni needs our help. Can you three go over there?"

Best guesser in the world over here.

1:30 PM

When we arrived at the Basilicom, we saw two guards blocking our path. "Do you three have business with Lady Noire? Unfortunately, she is quite busy at the moment, so please come back later." The guards tried to push us away, but I stopped them. "Actually, we're from Planeptune, and our Oracle has informed us that Uni is in trouble and needs our help." The guards looked at one another and moved out of the way, letting us in. When we walked in, we were all shocked. Noire was playing a game on a huge TV, playing as hard as she worked. The TV was so loud, I don't think she heard Neptune when she shouted "Noire!"

I walked over to her TV and turned down the volume. All the way to negative one. Noire looked at me. "What's the problem?"

"Why are you playing?"

"Can't I have a break once in a while?"

"I mean, I guess. It's just strange that..."

Bonk. (This is the second bonk so far.)

We turned our heads to the right. Uni was on the floor, a stack of papers in her hands. More papers were scattered on the floor around her. "Shouldn't you be helping her?"


"Hm, might turn off your console. Where is it?"

"Alright, alright!" Noire stood up and walked over to Uni, who was not having a good time.

"And we're done!"

"That's it?" Neptune asked. "Seems a lot shorter than before..."



We all left the Basilicom to return to Planeptune.


Neptune wanted to go sightseeing in Lastation. We went sightseeing in Lastation.


We arrived at Planeptune's Basilicom and went straight for our beds. Must've been some intense sightseeing, huh? It was.


I woke up. Everyone is asleep right now. I'm a little hungry, so I'm probably going to grab a snac


Ok, I might've stopped there because I was way too hungry to finish, and I had to get something quickly. I'm not fixing it though, it's just one letter. That's taken care of, so back to sleep I go.

3:00 AM

I went to sleep for a bit, I guess. It didn't really last long. I woke up and immediately got bored, so I walked out to the balcony (didn't even know there was one lol) and gazed at the stars. After some time, someone walked outside to join me. It was Neptune. "Hey, Neptune. Couldn't sleep either?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was hard to sleep, considering what happened today," she replied.

"What? How would that work?"

"I don't know. How are you still awake?"


"Hey, look at that!" she said, pointing. It was a shooting star!

"Make a wish," I said. She closed her eyes and muttered something.

"Well, I'm tired again," she said, yawning.

"Was that your wish?"

"We'll see. Good night, Zap."

"It's three in the morning. Good morning, Neptune."

"Shut up."

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