Don't look back

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My cell included of 4 confined walls and a cell door out front, the cell was windowless and had minimal light from the outside, it was filthy. I had a piece of rough fabric to sleep on and no form of entertainment. I don't even know what it's like to have fun or what it's like to have friends. But the little hope that I now have is enough to keep me going. The little hope that I'm going to escape this horrible place. The little hope that I'm finally going to meet my brother. I stared at the blank wall behind me, my wand in my hand. I had been reciting the spell continuously and now all I was doing was waiting for the code word 'Yelllow'. I had no clue why this was the word, something about it standing out. The voices started to become loud and It became hard to focus.

"What would happen if I said two spells at once?"

"She looks like a rat!"

"Omg, I am craving a ham sandwich right now,"


"I can't believe him."

The voices were driving me crazy, I couldn't focus on Snape's voice. I clenched my fists and thought only about him. The voices started to become murmurs and the word yellow came to view. I pointed my wand out straight and screamed as loud as I could,

"Confringo!" The wall exploded and it blew me back. I guess I didn't prepare for that. Heavy footsteps of about ten people started to run towards me. The dust cleared and I didn't wait one second before bursting out.

The air was cold and it sent a shiver right up my spine. I had no clue where I was running. But Snape made promise to never stop and to not look back. He told me he would find me. But something about the grass beneath my toes, the cold air whistling through my hair, the stars sparkling above and the full moon lighting up the sky, gave me the constant urge to stop and breathe in the moment. I was free. I kept on running through fields and over hills. For a small moment, I stretched out my arms and let my body glide through the wind, the biggest smile spread across my face. But then I stopped, the sound of voices started to run towards me. I went to turn behind but met face to face with a strange human like wolf, it stood up tall, it's ribs piercing through it's skin. I froze in fear as it stared deep into my soul. It didn't break eye contact until it heard the stampede of people coming towards us, he sprinted off disappearing into the tall grass, where the sounds of screaming and limbs being ripped apart could be vaguely heard.

I wanted to run but my feet wouldn't move. Sweat started to drip down my back and my breathing became heavy. A man with a pale face, and light brown hair that was flecked with grey emerged from the grass. His clothes were ripped and he looked as though he was ill or exhausted. He stopped suddenly when he saw me and I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that I wasn't going to be eaten.

"Who are you?" The man asked abruptly.

"Your a werewolf.." I stepped away slowly completely ignoring the question.

He looked at me with the same cold expression as he did just moments before in his werewolf form.

"Who are you?" The man asked once more, taking a moment to breathe.

"I'm Elizabeth Potter,"

"That's absurd, she died long ago with her parents," The man got out his wand for protection. The sun began to rise, and I covered my eyes slightly, I wasn't used to daylight, but it left me with a feeling of freshness. The man continued to stare readying his wand.

"No, I didn't die," I moved the thin blonde strip of hair that was covering my scar.

He stopped stunned, slowly putting down his wand. His eyes grew large and a small smile spread on his face.

"It really is you," He walked towards me giving me the biggest and first hug I'd ever received. It was warm and comforting. I felt protected and in that very moment all of my problems and worries drifted away. "I'm Remus Lupin, some call me Moony. I was a dear friend of your father."

I informed Lupin of my situation and to my surprise he believed every bit of it, I didn't think he would, I had worries that people would accuse me of working with the dark lord but this man had trust. He started to walk off gesturing me to follow. He took me to a small cottage on top of the hill, where the view was astonishing.

"This is my home, you'll be safe here," Remus smiled, he informed me that it separated evil from good and only those of good heart could see and enter the house.

"Why do you live in such a protected home?" I asked.

"I live with someone who isn't exactly safe, he's a bad man but a good man at heart..I suppose," Remus gestured that I come inside.

It was much larger from the inside and the design of the cottage was beautiful. It was hard to believe that a werewolf like him was living in such a place. He showed me to the guest room, and I crashed into a deep sleep. Words could not describe how comfortable I was, it felt like a fluffy cloud. A few hours later I woke up to the mumbles of two male voices. My door was slightly open and I could just make out what they were saying.

"Sirius, there's something I need to tell you," Remus said reassuring the man.

"Oh what is it?" Sirius said quite aggressively.

"You remember Elizabeth, Harry's twin?" Remus stayed calm, slowly opening my door a pinch wider. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"It can't be.." Sirius hesitated.

They both sat down beside me, Remus slightly shaking me awake. I looked up all sleepy eyed to see the man that looked extremely familiar to me.

"Do I know you?" I asked Sirius.

"No, unfortunately you don't, I was a dear friend of James and I happen to also be your godparent,"

"The names Sirius Black," We shook hands, I could see in his mind why Remus called him a bad man. There were several images of Sirius murdering people all who had connections to Voldemort. Other images showed the ministry of magic tracking him down to lock him in Azkaban. He wasn't one to show emotions but I could see just how hurt this man really was.

"Do you think that you guys could take me to Hogwarts?" I lowered my head and began twiddling with my thumps, nervous for what the answer might be, "I don't know how to get there on my own."

"Why of course, my dear." Sirius said getting up of the bed, as though he was ready to conquer the world.

"Hogwarts isn't too far from here," Remus assured.

It wasn't long till I was heading home. I stayed one more night to get my strength up but when I woke up, I found myself back in my cell.

"No, no this isn't right," I banged on the wall where there should be a hole. It was darker than usual and no warmth could be found anywhere.

"Let me out!" I screamed.

I could hear a small whisper from the other side of the room, "Oh you poor child."

"Who's there, please let me out!" I screamed reaching out for somebody to grab my hand.

"And why would I do that?" Voldemort came to view as he stood out of the darkness. Fear swallowed me up, and I stood paralyzed.

"You escape to protect Harry, but what you don't realize is that your incapable of that." He continued to walk towards me, chuckling a little to himself. "I've left you with a parting gift, a little curse," I looked at him, startled and confused.

"Because nothing is going to get in my way!" He reached up, wrapping his hand around my face and impaled his long, sharp fingernails into my cheek. I let out a hysterical scream before opening my eyes and shooting up out of bed. I was sweating all over and my fists where clenched. I ran over to the mirror and observed every feature of my face. It was clear..

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